Monday, November 16, 2020

Weather, Lakeway Church Sanctuary, Election Results, Last Council and Today's Agenda!


Well, apparently Winter is here for a while.  80's day before yesterday and it was 34° this morning at the 15th Tee of Live Oak.  Looks like a beautiful week with highs in the 70's.  No rain until the weekend or next week.

*****Church Sanctuary Grand Opening*****

It was a wonderful Sunday for the Lakeway Church!  First services in the new Sanctuary - it was wonderful and a lot of folks showed up to celebrate.  Since they blocked every other row and two seats between family groups, it was a full house at the 9:30 service.  I'm sure the 11:00 was just as packed.  

If you missed it, here is a video of the Wider and Deeper construction video they showed - Morgan put it together from the hundreds of pictures I've been sending of the construction.  Here's a link, enjoy the video!


*****Election Results*****

Although 6 out of 8 Charter Amendments passed, two went down.  We will live with the new Charter for at least 2 years per State law.  The two that passed are going to prove challenging to say the least.  

The Charter provision to delete the Treasurer was defeated. The Charter stipulates significant requirements that a volunteer will not be able to do.  We'll see where that goes.

The provision deleting the requirement for the City Manager to "reside" in the City was resoundingly defeated.  That will be a sticky wicket for the new City Manager.  Since she is happily married to the County Judge of Burnet County and he has to "reside" in Burnet County, it will be a challenge.  Deletion of the requirement was a plan from the beginning, but a failsafe was included in her contract - $15,000 a year to pay for housing....The definition of "reside" is "have one's permanent home in a particular place".  They might meet the letter of the law, but not the intent.  The founders of Lakeway were smart folks and made rules to insure Lakeway remained a unique and special place for generations to come.

Thanks to all the citizens that looked at the issues and voted in the election.  The "Save Lakeway" group didn't prevail, but the number of votes against all the propositions was significant.  Keep an eye on what's going on in the City.

*****Council Results from November 2*****

This was yet another videoconference.  

3)  Unanimously appointed an Assistant City Manager - welcome to Mr. Joseph Molis from Harker Heights.

4)  An Economic Development Committee was established per recommendation of the ad hock committee that reported at the last meeting.

5)  The Budget was amended to appropriate money to hire an individual to explore options to bring an annual event to Lakeway.  They allocated $80,000 from the Hotel Tax Fund to do this.

Then the infamous "Executive Sessions" started at 7:16 and returned at 9:51, 1 individual signed up to speak on item 6 but was no longer there at 10:00 but came in and spoke on (B) although the volume was so low you couldn't hear him.

6)  Having to do with a (A) zoning change and (B) final plat for Serene Hills Phase 5, zoning was passed unanimously with no discussion and unanimously denied the final plat.  

Interestingly, there was nothing on the Airpark Unicom letter issue but the letter was sent the next day (no decision, right?) and once again nothing on "Project Granite" that council has been meeting secretly on for months and months.

Meeting adjourned at about 10:00.

*****Council November 16*****

Here is that agenda / packet.  

They are amending Chapter 28 regulations and also several items in the FY 20 Budget.

10)  Accepting the results of the election.

11)  Finally selling 7.6 acres to the MUD for $476,375.  Remember the budget shortfall?  

12)  Withdrawn and delayed by applicant.  Seems the city wants to change an already approved plat and plan...

13)  Final Plat for Rough Hollow

14)  Special Use permit for an Orthodontic Practice at 1010RR 620.

15)  Special Use Permit for a Short Term Rental at 412 Sailmaster.

16)  Special Use Permit for a Short Term Rental at 1501 Parker Bend

17)  Change the PUD for the Oaks to require building of Main Street - lawsuit coming on this one.

18)  Looks like they are also going to amend the Rough Hollow Development Agreement that has been in place for 20 years.

19)  Discuss Charter 4.07 (Police) - presentation given by Police Defunder's Higginbotham and Mastrangelo.

Then the Executive Sessions start.

One on Project Granite, Legal issues on Serene Hills Parkland Dedication and the Annual Review of the City Manager.  


Lots going on, I'll report on council results soon.....

Thanks again for all the support.  If you would like to be added to my email list, please send a note to and I'll get you added!

Have a GREAT week!

Joe Bain


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