Saturday, October 31, 2020

Weather, Council, Environment Info and More!

 *****Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring - Two Weeks*****

High of 91, low of 37 and a little wind and rain thrown in for spice.  Next week looks like highs in the 70's and lows in the 40's and 50's, little to no rain.  Sounds like a pretty nice week. 

*****Council Agenda*****

Council meets in Special Session Monday - this meeting is again going to be teleconference.  Here is a link to the meeting packet.  

3)  Looks like they are hiring an Assistant City Manager.  Appears to have some planning experience and economic development experience.  Coming from Harker Heights.

4)  Establishing an Economic Development Committee.

5)  Budget Amendment.  Authorizing $80,000 to hire someone to explore and launch a high-quality event to attract tourists.  Money coming out of the Hotel Tax account.

***Executive Sessions***

Serene Hills Final Plat
Legal issues with Airpark Unicom Renewal
Project Granite - here we go again, your tax dollars at work..
More Cherry Knoll settlement agreement issues with potential development

Council has had more Executive Sessions (Secret) than the last 5 Mayors terms put together.  Let that sink in.

*****More City Stuff*****

Lakeway has won certification as a Platinum Scenic City - one of only 5 in Texas.  Congratulations!  They must not have looked at 620...

The City continues to cancel almost all of the Committee and Commission meetings.  Lately I've seen Art's Committee and Engagement committee - none have met for months, not even teleconference.

Here's a link to The Activity Center information - Thanks Dallas!

*****Charter Amendments*****

If you plan to vote on election day or even if you have already voted, please get the low down on the Charter Amendments.  Here is a link to our web site with the reasons we (the 5 former mayors) think some are a really bad idea. 

Here is a link to the oppositions funding report.


I posted this link in the middle of a paragraph a few weeks ago and many folks missed it.  This is a video from Prager U about the costs and efficiencies of Solar and Wind energy.  Please take about 4 minutes to view this video - it has some great information:

Solar and Wind Video

*****Lakeway Church Update*****

Took some more pictures Friday of the exterior and interior.  Here's the outside:

As far as the inside, here is a link to a 360° where you can look around.  

Here are some stills:

Two weeks until the first service there!  It's been a long road but worth the wait!

That's all for today!  Thank you for sharing time with me.  If you need pictures please consider Sky Pictures .  If you would like to be added (or removed), please send an email to and I'll get it done.

Have a GREAT day and be kind in this election season.  We may have different opinions, but we are all Americans and Texans!  It will be over soon.....

Joe Bain

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