Driving to the house the other evening, I noticed we still had many folks displaying blue lights to support the police. If you're new to Lakeway, a couple of years ago we worked with Lowe's in Bee Cave and gave away a bunch of blue led lights for yard lights and porches. I'm really proud of our community for the support they have shown the police, the lights are still on all over the city. If there's interest, I'll see if we can make arrangements for a reduced price for your home. Let me know if there's interest and I'll see if I can get them stocked again.
It looks like our luck might change this weekend and we could get a little rain! Keep an eye on my weather station if it really happens. May is usually our wettest month, didn't happen this year and June has been really dry too. Spoke too soon, .73 inch this afternoon!
Don't forget the watering restrictions, here's a link to the Lakeway MUD's schedule. If you are in one of the other MUD's, please check their web pages.
The Lake is continuing it's Summer drop. Today Lake Travis was at 663.10 ft. A week ago it was 664.31 ft. We are 6.69 ft. below average at this time. The inflow from rivers yesterday was 109 acre feet, the release from the dam was 2436 acre feet. There is significant evaporation from the lake also - actually more that is used by area residents (believe it or not!) Maybe if we can get some good rain this will slow down!
City Building Commission (CBC) met Thursday morning in regular session. Here is that agenda. This commission meets regularly to look at variance and waivers and different items that don't necessarily meet our ordinances to decide if they should be allowed.
4) This was a variance request to encroach into a building setback. After some discussion it appeared the applicant wanted the variance so he could install a detached shed for tools. Detached structures are not allowed in Lakeway, they must be attached and conform to building materials on the home. The commission decided to table this until the applicant and BDS could explain the ordinance and come up with a plan.
5) There was no view blocking at this address.
6) Waiver was granted with some modifications - it was determined that the issue was really a trellis for vines.
7) The lot at 103 Royal Oak Ln. was determined to be a golf course lot. There is a 25' setback on golf course lots, and if they are not determined to be golf course lots, the setback is less. In this case, the applicant will need a variance to build into the setback and will apply at a later date.
8) Applicant wanted to build a concrete turn-around area. It was determined that if permitted, requirements for foundation plantings would be impeded. Applicant was instructed to redesign and resubmit.
The Flag Day ceremony was held by the Lohmann's Ford Chapter of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) at the Heritage Center on Thursday morning. We have a very patriotic community and the turn out was great. The Boy Scouts Troop 52 presented the colors and the guest speaker was General Rick Zehrer, USAF (retired). Nancy and I were honored to be presented with a Certificate of Award for the correct display of our flag (lighted) along with Alice & Jim Nelson, Edith and Kerry Henry and Greg & Mary Wallace (not present).
Monday, June 18 is the next regular meeting of the City Council. Here is that agenda. Looks like a pretty full agenda. Council will be busy appointing members to several commissions and committees including the Public Engagement Committee, Comprehensive Plan Committee, Board of Ethics and Board of Adjustment.
13) A zoning request will be considered for 15096 and 15099 Strader Circle to change from R-1 to R-6. Since the surrounding property is already R-6 I expect that will pass.
14) A final plat will be considered for 9.1 acres NW of Flintrock Rd. and west of RR 620. Recommended by ZAPCO.
15) The Sign Ordinance will be addressed to amend it to comply with the Supreme Court Ruling. Recommended by ZAPCO.
16-17) Council will consider a contract addendum for solid waste service. Looks like our rate will increase slightly from $21 monthly to $21.40. Of course that is all subject to a council vote.
I received word earlier today that a suicidal subject ( 40 year old male) shot himself and died at the Emmaus Catholic Parish parking lot. The police were unable to stop the subject from shooting himself. There is no danger to the public.
I didn't receive a police report today - if one shows up, I'll send it out - hopefully it's a one time thing.....
Thanks for reading the blog - I always try to give you the facts about Lakeway and what's going on. If you would like to be added to my email list, send a note to lakeway@bain.us and I'll take care of it!
Joe Bain
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