Worked with the Oak Hill Amateur Radio Club on Sunday morning to try to reinstate some emergency communications facilities that used to work on one of Water District 17's sites. They have been very generous to allow us space at one of their facilities.

ZAPCO met in regular session on Wednesday - here is that agenda. Item 5 was a request signage at the Lakeway Regional Medical Center and was passed unanimously. Item 6 was a request for a SUP for a Short Term Rental at 103 Triton Court. This was allowed by our ordinances and after testimony against by neighbors was passed - there was no compelling reason to deny the permit.
Item 6 was another STR SUP request at 817 Mariner. This was postponed because of an issue with conflicting deed restrictions. Although the city does not enforce deed restrictions, the ordinance states a permit will honor those deed restrictions. They referred that to the city attorney for clarification.
8, 9, 10 and 11 were all approved without concern.
It appears that residents near STR's do not want them. If SB 451 and HB 2551 pass the legislature this year all of our STR ordinances will be disabled.
Lakeway MUD will meet in regular session next week on Wednesday May 10. Here is that agenda.
The contractor is making good progress on Flint Rock Road - we think they will be complete in late June.
The Women’s Club of Greater Lakeway held their third annual "Thank You Luncheon" hosted by the Galloping Gourmets at the Activity Center today. They provided a great lunch for employees of Lakeway, The Hills, the fire department, local MUDs, and others in appreciation of their service to the public.
From Public Works:
Our contractor restriped Clara Van Road, Birrell Street, and Serene Hills Drive this week.
Last Friday we held bid openings for the Hurst Creek overlay project. Four companies turned in bids, and Lone Star Paving was the lowest. We will take the bid to council for approval on May 15th.
AT&T has some boxes on Hurst Creek that will need to be raised before paving so the start date of that project will be determined by how soon AT&T can have those boxes raised.
From the Chief:
LPD Officers conducted 191 traffic stops, responded to 14 alarm calls, responded to 23 animal calls, answered 35 suspicious circumstances calls, responded to 17 collisions and handled 108 other types of calls for service for a total of 388.
Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges; Out of Jurisdiction Warrant X 2, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 2, Possession of a Controlled Substance X 2 and Driving while Intoxicated X 1.
Officers responded to a crash in the 2300 block of Lohmans Spur. An oversized vehicle struck the overhead power lines, causing damage to two utility poles and causing the power lines to fall contacting another vehicle on the roadway. The oversized vehicle left the scene, but was located a short time later on Duck Lake Drive. As a result of this crash the roadway was closed and power was disrupted for several hours. The driver of the oversized vehicle was arrested for a violation of the transportation code dealing with his duty upon striking a structure. No injuries were reported related to this incident.
Officers responded to a disturbance call at a Lido Circle address. Upon arrival officers found that an altercation between two subjects had occurred. While officers were investigating this incident one of the subjects became aggressive towards the officers and was placed under arrest. This subject was transported to the Travis County Jail.
Bee Cave police officers were dispatched to an armed robbery call at the upper level of a Galleria parking garage. While responding to the scene, Bee Cave officers observed the suspects fleeing the area in a stolen vehicle. Officers pursued the suspects out of Bee Cave and towards Oak Hill. The suspects crashed in the Oak Hill area, abandoned the vehicle, and fled on foot. Bee Cave officers assisted by Austin police officers were able to arrest two of the three suspects and recover a hand gun believed to be used in the robbery. Lakeway officers were sent to the crime scene to meet with the victim and to secure the scene. LPD Crime Scene Technician Smith went to the scene to assist in collection of evidence.
Members of Lakeway Police Department held another successful “Drug Takeback” program on April 29, 2017. Citizens turned in 324 lbs. of prescription medications, which were turned over to the DEA for destruction. At the last take back event we collected over 424 pounds of medications.
Detectives were assigned to investigate a report of Identity Theft. According to the victim, her identity was used to open a line of credit through a major retailer. Detectives are following up on available leads; the case remains open and active.
Detectives were assigned to investigate a report of Harassment that occurred in the 2400 block of RR620 South. According to the victim, he received threatening/harassing communications from a known suspect. Detectives are following up on available leads; the case remains open and active.
Detectives were assigned to investigate a report of Criminal Mischief which occurred at Dragon Park. According to a witness, a juvenile smeared feces on the walls within the restrooms at the park. Officers located and identified the juvenile who resides nearby. Detectives made contact with the Park Director who declined to press charges against the juvenile; however they will be in touch with the juvenile’s parents to make restitution. This case is closed.
Detectives were assigned to investigate a report of Credit Card Abuse. According to the victim, he discovered fraudulent charges on his PayPal account. Detectives are following up on available leads; the case remains open and active.
Detectives were assigned to investigate a report of Credit Card Abuse. According to the victim, she discovered an unauthorized charge on her credit card. The card was used to make a purchase through Detectives are following up on available leads; the case remains open and active.
This week the Citizens Police Academy students were provided with a mock scenario which involved investigating two crime scenes, interviewing a suspect, a victim, and two witnesses. The scenario illustrated the challenges often faced by officers, detectives and crime scene personnel during complex investigations involving acts of violence.
Election day is Saturday - if you haven't voted yet please make your choice known. There are two council seats up for election and the bond for the proposed police station is also on the ballot. I will send out a special edition of the blog with the election results tomorrow evening.
Get out an enjoy your weekend! If you would like to be added (or removed) to the email list for the blog, send a note to and I'll take care of it!
Thank you for all the support!
Joe Bain
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