I would like to apologize to the citizens of Lakeway and the Lakeway community for my actions on social media. Several months ago, I created an account on Nextdoor.com under the pseudonym of "John Smart" to communicate on social media about matters relating to city business. Multiple times on multiple issues I posted as "John Smart", including on matters related to the current election. That account has been closed.
My reason for doing this was because when I wrote anything as Joe Bain in these online forums, I felt my messages were perceived as representing the City of Lakeway government or office of the mayor. I was uncomfortable with this perception because, at times, I felt the need to express my opinion as an individual and as a citizen of Lakeway without perceived bias some people have about elected officials.
I generally wrote these messages in an attempt to correct inaccurate information or post factual information in the online discussions - recently these messages included information about the proposed police facility bond and the Lakeway City Council election involving three candidates. I asked pointed questions and advocated for candidates I support - but only as a citizen.
This was an error in judgement on my part and I regret that my actions that were not in line with the character of the City of Lakeway, its City Council or its citizens. The citizens of Lakeway placed their trust in me to be their mayor and and I understand I have violated that trust.
In an attempt to restore that trust and be fully transparent in my actions online and offline, I will no longer participate in these online discussions unless I am specifically invited to as Joe Bain, the mayor of Lakeway. I am also working on new ways to engage and inform citizens through events that I hope will bring our community together and give our citizens a stronger voice in government.
Ultimately this issue is a result of my attempts to communicate with the citizens of Lakeway, but I know now that I went about it the wrong way.
Please accept my humble apologies. I promise to continue to serve you in the manner befitting the mayor of Lakeway.
Joe Bain
Lakeway was a busy place again this week. I had a meeting with a representative from Balyor Scott and White Lakeway about a Development Advisory Board at the Hospital to work on philanthropic opportunities at the Hospital - I think it will be a great addition to their services.
I also went to the Capital with Steve Jones and Julie Oakley to put in testimony on one of Paul Workman's bills that would allow public information to be posted to a website instead of in a newspaper.
I also spoke at the Solo's meeting about the state of Lakeway and the Police Bond - they had a great turnout and the presentation went well.
Tuesday I attended Debbie Gernes retirement function at a Water District 17 facility along with Steve Jones and Doris Cline. She will be missed by the Water District and the citizens she serves. I am also working with WD 17 on a radio site at another of their facilities that will help Lakeway in case of an emergency.
Wednesday Steve and I had a meeting with Stratus and we discussed their plans for the property they still own behind HEB. I expect to see more on that in the near future.
May 3rd, ZAPCO will meet in regular session - here is a link to their agenda.

That's all I have for right now, if you would like to be added to the blog (or removed), please send an email to lakeway@bain.us
Joe Bain
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