The Texas weather continues to be interesting! Now a few days at average temperatures and then another warm up with some rain. Don't forget you can see actual weather conditions on my weather station at the 15th tee on Live Oak. Here's a link and the "15th tee" link at the top right of the blog goes there too.
Steve Jones and I met with Victor Vargas from TxDOT Wednesday. They will lengthen the timing on the left turn from HEB onto RR 620. We are also going to split the signals and make a 2 lane left there. This should improve the issue of cars waiting to turn left. I expect this to happen in the next few weeks. We also discussed re-striping and turn barriers on 620 and Murfin Rd. and the Southern end of Bella Montagna Cir. at 620. The blind turn and high speeds have caused issues at these intersections. They are also working on light timing on 620 - they are hoping to improve the light timing issues but the big improvement will come when the major improvements are done to 620. That project is in the early environmental stages.
The City Building Commission will meet in regular session next week on Thursday the 9th at 9 a.m. Here is a link to their agenda.
Don't forget the Indoor City garage Sale is Saturday, March 4 at the Lakeway Activity Center. No charge to go in and shop - lots of things you just can't do without!
The Lakeway MUD will meet in regular session March 8 at 9:30 a.m. Here is a link to their agenda.
ZAPCO met in regular session on Wednesday - here is that agenda. All the consent agenda items were approved along with the regular agenda items. The variance was approved allowing a private street to deviate from standard because of a terrain issue.
The City will be holding several "Open Houses" on the proposed Police Station and Bond Election. There will be 3 at the Activity Center, March 27, April 6 and April 20 - these will all start at 6:30 p.m. We are also planning one at the City Hall on March 21 at 6:30 that will be recorded and made available for viewing.
From the Chief:
LPD Officers conducted 140 traffic stops, responded to 14 alarm calls, responded to 17 animal calls, answered 15 suspicious circumstances calls, responded to 15 collisions and handled 99 other types of calls for service for a total of 300.
Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges; Lakeway Warrants X 1, Out of Jurisdiction Warrants X 2, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 2, Driving while Intoxicated X 1, and Driving while License Suspended X 1.
Officers met with a RR 620 S. business owner in reference to a theft. It was learned that the subject believed a former employee had stolen blank checks from his business and then cashed those checks after filling them out. A report was taken and this case is assigned to CID for investigation.
Officers responded to the Lakeway City Park in reference to a broken water pipe. Upon arrival officers learned that the pipe had been broken when it was struck by a remote control car. Officers had dispatch notify Lakeway MUD and had the pipe repaired.
Citizens Police Academy met for their second session this week. Topics included an introduction and overview of the Lakeway department operations and a briefing about the proposed New Police Facility presented by Chief Radford; an overview of the municipal court by Judge Madison and an overview of the CERT team by Al Lagenour, John Suchyta, Micheal Rick, Margo Fesas, and Jacquie Banks.
That's it for today - if you ant to be included on my email list send a note to and I'll get you added! Have a GREAT weekend!
Joe Bain
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