Saturday, January 7, 2017

It's COLD, ZAPCO, CBC, Police Report and MORE!

Good Morning!  Brrrrr, it's cold out there - low here came in at 18.3 degrees with the wind still blowing.  It's warming up and is supposed to get above freezing today.  If you have Cedar allergies you have my sympathies!  

It's a new year and City Staff and your elected officials have already been busy.  

ZAPCO met in regular session on Wednesday - here was the January 4th agenda.  The Serene Hills - Phase 4W plat was approved and recommended to the Council for approval.  It was a pretty short meeting!

The Police Station Building Committee met again Thursday - it's starting to come together!  We will be meeting again next week to look at some changes that have been integrated into the project.  Rest assured, we are looking at the entire project to make sure the citizens get a Police Station that is efficient and will give the city a facility that will endure the growth of Lakeway for many years into the future!

I have succeeded in negotiation of a sales contract for property at the City Park and we are moving forward with that purchase.  This property will be included in the City Park property when the purchase is complete.

CBC will meet in regular session on 1-12-2016.  Here is that agenda.  Looks like it includes fairly docile items and will go smoothly.

The Short Term Rental (STR) have been updated to reflect the questions from last months council meeting and will be on this months agenda.  Basically, condominiums will not be subject to the 1,000 foot restriction but will be required to get licenses for STR.  The number of permits in condominiums will not count toward the 25 max limit.  The full ordinance will be included in the council packet this month.

It appears we will have three issues on the May ballot for voter approval.  The general election where we will elect two council members (Council Member's Bertram and Massa's terms are expiring), a proposition to continue the road maintenance sales tax and a bond for a police station.

Sunday, LTISD will conduct a "Parade of Champions" at 2 PM at the Hill Country Galleria celebrating the state football championship, academic and fine arts achievements this year. Come out and enjoy the parade!

Here is a link to Director Miller's weekly BDS report.

HR reports that we currently have job postings for a Police Officer, Police Telecommunicator, Lifeguard, Recreation Assistant, Assistant City Manager and Police Lieutenant.  Use the following link to read the complete job descriptions or to apply.

Municipal Courts:
For the month of December, the court received 307 violations filed by the Police Department and Code Enforcement, showing 19% decrease from the same month last year.  

The following dismissals were granted by the court: 67 after completion of defensive driving on moving violations, 12 after completion of probation cases under Deferred Disposition, 2 cases after Chemical Dependency Treatment, 2 after proof of financial responsibility, and 53 other violations after correction of equipment or registrations.  

The court issued 86 Class C Misdemeanor arrest warrants, 1 Class A/B Misdemeanor, and 31 Capiases Pro Fine warrants.  

For this week’s warrants, the City Marshal transported the following: from Dimmit County to Travis County 2 warrants, one violator with a capias warrant, a second violation with three Lakeway warrants plus higher charges from another agency, and a third one with three local warrants arrested after Marshal’s vehicle identified the individuals vehicle.

Police Report:
LPD Officers conducted 262 traffic stops, responded to 14 alarm calls, investigated 16 suspicious circumstance calls, responded to 12 animal calls, responded to 33 ordinance violations and handled 118 other types of calls for service for a total of 455.

Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges; Out of Jurisdiction Warrants X 1, Lakeway Warrant X 1, Driving under the Influence X 1, Driving while Intoxicated X 1, Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor X 3, Open Container X1, Possession of a Controlled Substance X 3, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 2.

Officers were dispatched to a RR 620 N. business in reference to a domestic disturbance. Upon arrival officers met with a female victim who claimed to have been assaulted at her residence. It was learned that the original offense occurred in Travis County. This case was transferred to the Travis County Sheriff’s Office for investigation. 

Officers responded to the Lakeway Airpark in reference to a plane landing after sunset. Officers arrived and found the plane. After a conversation with the pilot a warning was issued for landing after sunset. 

Officers were dispatched to a Nakoma street address in reference to a theft. Upon arrival it was learned that a Bobcat excavator had been stolen from the property under construction.  The excavator was valued at $45,000. This case is under investigation by CID. 

Officers were dispatched to the Baylor Scott & White emergency room in reference to a mental health evaluation. Officers spoke to a family member of the patient who advised that the subject had taken a large dose of a narcotic which required the subject to be transported to the hospital; the family member further advised that the subject had attempted to harm themselves by overdose in the past. After the evaluation was completed, the officer completed an emergency commitment order; the subject was left in the emergency room until they could be transferred to a facility for further treatment.

That's all for today - stay warm!  If you would like to be added to my email list send a note to and I'll get you added.

Joe Bain

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