We held a work session to get the latest report from our consultant on a possible Performing Arts Center in Lakeway. This project would be funded from donations and the Hotel Tax the City collects from local hotels. Here is a link to the video of the presentation and discussion. More on this as we get a determination on the use of the HOT tax funds from the Attorney General.
National Night Out was a GREAT success in Lakeway once again. Thank you for your outreach to support our local police. I visited about 10 parties this year and the support was overwhelming! We have a great police force and they keep us safe! Please continue to show your Blue Spirit by installing a blue bulb that can be seen. They are still available from Lowe's Bee Cave and we have a few candelabra bulbs available at City Hall.
The City has also been working on moving forward with the development of the 70 acres purchased for LTYA use. Here is an article in the Statesman - please note the statement by Judge Eckhardt about municipalities assisting in the effort. Lakeway has assisted by purchasing the property for this use, hopefully she will take that into consideration.
CBC will meet in regular session on Oct. 13 in regular session - here is that agenda.
The Lakeway Arts Committee has been busy this fiscal year - I thought you might want to see what they have accomplished. Here is a link to their 2016 report. Great Job!
The Lakeway Wildflowers, a women’s barbershop chorus, will present a show, “Trippin’ Across the USA,” at the Lakeway Activity Center, Saturday, October 15th. The chorus will feature music that captures the flavor of America—its cities and regions and ways to get there. And the chorus sings in that uniquely American style of music--barbershop. Along with chorus quartets, a men’s quartet, The Highlights, will perform on the program. Tickets are available for $15 at the Lakeway Activity Center, 105 Cross Creek Drive. Doors open at 6:30, and the show starts at 7:00. Refreshments will be served. For more information about tickets, call the LAC, 512-261-1010.
The Lakeway Players are putting on another production November 3rd, 4th and 5th at the Lakeway Activity Center - here is a link to their announcement.
The 7th annual Public Safety Day is coming up on October 22nd from 11AM to 3PM at the Oaks of Lakeway - this is a free event and here is a link to more information. Come out and see the folks that keep you safe!
ZAPCO met this week and approved some signs and signage for Stewart Title Center. They also approved amending the Oaks PUD regarding LEED certification and approved some annexation and zoning in the Lakeway Highlands.
Our contractor on the Rolling Green culvert project said that they should finish the retaining walls this week along with finish grading, topsoil, matting, seed, and the remaining rock boulders. Next week they plan to install guardrail, and the week of October 17 they are scheduled to pave at all three locations. At that time, they will be substantially complete and the road will be opened.
Chief Court Clerk Ruth Sandoval reports that for the month of September the court received 436 violations: 292 Traffic, 4 Parking, 71 State Law, and 69 City Ordinance. In FY 16, the court processed 2.47% more tickets than the previous year, 5414 vs 5283. The court had six Court dockets in September: 223 cases for arraignment, 3 for Pre-Trial, 58 for Show Cause, 1 trial by Judge with total appearances in court at 285.
In September, Lakeway Police wrote 42 Citations and 34 warnings for Handheld Mobil Device use.
From the Chief:
LPD Officers conducted 144 traffic stops, responded to 15 alarm calls, investigated 15 suspicious circumstance calls, responded to 10 vehicle crashes, and handled 156 other types of calls for service for a total of 340.
Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges; Out of Jurisdiction Warrant X 1, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 1, Driving while Intoxicated X 1, and Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor X 3.
Officers were call to a Corinthian St. address in reference to a suspicious circumstance. A resident reported that while sitting inside their home they heard their garage door opening. The resident looked outside and saw a male subject at the street with a cell phone, the subject then got into a vehicle and left. It is unknown if the subject was able to open the garage door with a remote, however, officers took a report of the incident and will increase patrol in that area.
Officers responded to a RR 620 S. grocery store in reference to a theft call. Upon arrival it was learned that a subject had left the store with items inside a shopping cart without paying. The subject was located and issued a citation for theft < $100.
Officers responded to a RR 620 N. business in reference to a reckless driver call. Upon arrival it was learned that a subject had nearly caused an accident while traveling on RR 620. The subject pulled into a convenient and attempted to purchase alcohol, but was denied. The subject was located and placed under arrest for public intoxication.
Lakeway Police Officers and department staff participated in the annual National Night Out on October 4th. There were neighborhood gatherings in 29 locations throughout the city. Each location was visited by Lakeway police officers who spoke to them about keeping our community safe as well as upcoming events.
APO Officer Greig received a referral report from patrol officers regarding a loose dog that was found. Upon further examination, it was determined the dog was not being cared for properly. With assistance from a local dog rescue group, Officer Greig found further information concerning the treatment of other dogs owned by the suspect who lives in the 400 block of Explorer. Officer Greig was able to obtain a Seizure Warrant for the remaining dogs and executed the warrant. Eight malnourished puppies were seized during the operation and will be cared for by the rescue group until a court hearing can occur. APO Greig appeared before the Lakeway Municipal Court during a hearing regarding the custody of the animals that were seized during this investigation. The court agreed the animals should remain in the custody of the State. Additionally, the owner of the animals was arrested and charged with Cruelty to Non-Livestock Animals.
Detectives responded to the 900 block of RR620 South in reference to a bank embezzlement (Theft) investigation. According to bank personnel, a bank employee was found to be unlawfully withdrawing money from customer accounts. The employee initially claimed she was acting under duress through an extortion scheme, but later admitted to willfully taking the customer’s money. With the help from corporate investigators, Detectives determined the suspect illegally obtained approximately $14,000 from three different customers. Detectives were able to gather enough evidence to establish probable cause and obtained felony arrest warrants (Theft and Identity Theft) for the suspect involved in this case.
Detectives were notified by the Austin Police Department that they had located and recovered a vehicle that had been reported stolen from the Mansions at Lakeway in August. Additionally APD officers located several subjects in the vehicle who were arrested for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle. Detectives and Crime Scene personnel responded to the vehicle’s storage location and processed the vehicle for evidence.
Detectives were assigned to investigate a report of Identity Theft that occurred in the 100 block of Reflection Bay Court. According to the victim, his identity was stolen and used to open a line of credit through SpeedyCash.com. Following a thorough investigation, Detectives were able to positively identify the suspect responsible for the identity theft and charges (Fraudulent Use or Possession of Identifying Information, Felony) have been filed in the case.
Lakeway Task Force officer assisted with executing a narcotics search warrant in a steroid distribution investigation based in southern Travis County. The resulting seizure was one of the largest of its kind in Central Texas and involved a large amount of illegal steroids, cash, and other illegally obtained proceeds.
Chief Radford was elected to a fifth year as the President of the Capitol Area Law Enforcement Executives Association.
BaylorScott&White will be holding another Community Seminar Series on October 20th from 6-8PM, Lower level 1 Lobby on "Breast Cancer Mytths Dispelled and What to do Next if You Hear 'You Have Cancer'". These are good programs!
That's all for now - more as I find out! If you would like to be added to my email list send a note to lakeway@bain.us and I'll get you added. Have a GREAT weekend and be safe out there!
Joe Bain
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