Sunday, August 30, 2015

Flint Rock Traffic, Activity Center, Taxes and More

Here we go, another week is gone and I'm late posting.... Let's see what I can find for last week.  

I've been getting a few complaints about the trucks and speeds on Flintrock Road wanting Lakeway to increase the patrols.  Here's the scoop - Travis County owns 2/3 of the road, Lakeway only owns the very Eastern section (close to 620).  Construction should start later this year (joint project between Lakeway and Travis County). After the road construction is done, the City will be analyzing if annexation of the South sections that are in our ETJ makes since. Until that time, Travis County Sheriffs Department has jurisdiction on most of Flintrock Road.  If annexation takes place, we will police and maintain all of the road to Serene Hills.

There are a few seats left on the Heritage Trail Bus Tours on September 18th, here's a link to more information

Lakeway will honor the Greatest Generation at the Spirit of '45 Commemoration at 6:30 at the Lakeway Heritage Center.  Here is a link to more information - come join us!

The Lakeway Activity Center has a lot coming up this Fall - here is a link to information about all of it!

Austin has sued the Travis County Appraisal District over the way commercial properties are valued in Travis County.  Here is a link to more on that.  We received our final tax numbers last week and I don't think this will further delay our budget process.  Staff has been very busy working out the numbers for the upcoming budget workshop on September 3rd at 2PM.  Council will discus and accept a proposed tax rate.  Monday 9/14 there will be a public hearing on the budget and tax rate.  Here is a link to the revised calendar for all the budget hearings.

Devin has put together and published development maps on the City website.  Here is a link to those maps.

The ZAPCO meeting has been cancelled for September 2.  There was an issue with notification on the only item to surrounding residents and the meeting will be reset.  More when I get the new date.

The City hosted G-200 Public Officials training Wednesday.  This was a course provided by DPS to educate us on what our responsibilities are and what resources are available to us in case of a major disaster.  Officials from several other surrounding cities attended and it was enlightening!  We are looking forward to getting together quarterly to discuss things going on in local Cities.

The Short Term Rental case on the citation on Vanguard Street went to court Friday.  The defendant (owner of the property) plead guilty and a reduced fine as levied.  The conviction will allow us to take action according to our ordinance.

CBC met in regular session Thursday August 27.  Here is that agenda.  Lot's of view blocking and fence issues.  I'm looking at a way to expedite some of the view blocking issues and reduce staff time and fees.  More on that later.

That's all for now - more next week.  Thanks for your interest in the happenings around the City!

Joe Bain

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