Sunday, July 12, 2015

Short Report - Work Session, Budget Work Starting and a Little More!

Last week was a busy one for both the staff and I.  Steve Jones and Department heads have been meeting daily on budget items.  It appears to be going as expected and budget sessions for the Council are on schedule to begin at the end of the month.

We had a Council Work Session Tuesday from abut 9AM until 1:30.  Here is the agenda.  Steve and Chessie went over items in the Capital Improvements Plan including a new Police / Justice Center and Parks and Road Improvements including restroom facilities, road overlays and median improvements, etc.  

We had a discussion on what a drainage utility could do for the City and how it would be funded.  

There was also a discussion on land use issues and where the City wants to go in the future.  No decisions were made in this meeting but the general discussion was good and we will be doing this again in the future.

We had another Ethics and Open Meeting Training session from about 10AM until 2:30 and we have completed the necessary training.

CBC met in regular session on Thursday - here was the agenda.  

Friday Steve Jones and I revoked the Executive order put into place restricting new landscaping because of the drought.  Since the local MUD's have gone back to stage 1 watering, we wanted to get this back to normal.

I'm told staff has made significant gains on the backlog of building permits for roofs.  We have been looking at procedures and have made improvements to make things easier for both contractors and staff.  We have also hired two new employees in BDS and two temps.  Things should be improving significantly.  

Short report this week - I will post the police blotter first of the week along with any other items from Steve Jones report as I get them.

Thanks for all the support - if you would like to be added to my email list send an email to and I'll get you added.  
More as I find out!

Joe Bain

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