Saturday, June 13, 2015

Summer Weather, Permits, CAMPO, Meetings!

Summer is here!  This week the heat and humidity made their return and reminded us that Summer in Central Texas will be HOT!  The good news is rain is in the forecast for the weekend and coming week, Lake Travis is normal for this time of year and is still coming up a few inches a day.

The City Staff is still struggling with the influx of permits mostly caused by the hail storm in May.  As of Friday we were close to 1,000 permits issued just for roofs.  To put this in perspective, the City probably doesn't issue that many roof permits in years!  I reported that we felt we were over the "hump" week before last - we now realize that was incorrect.  Permit requests are still coming in at a rapid rate.  We are contracting with a company that will do all the new roof permits so our staff can catch up with the regular permitting.  We also have new folks for our vacant positions that are going to give us some relief.

CAMPO met Monday in regular session at the Thompson Conference Center at UT.  The City had a real presence their this week, not only did Steve Jones and I attend but we were joined by Council Members Sandy Cox and Dwight Haley.  Here is a link to the agenda.  Mayor Adler (City of Austin) withdrew the amendment on the 2040 plan because of confusion on whether it would cause delays or problems with the plan - I appreciate his action.  Modifications were made on the "Unified Work Plan" and eventually were passed after discussion.  Item moving monies from City of Austin to Cap Metro was deleted and there were significant funds are now in the plan to study the issues in Western Travis County - this includes 360 and 620.  

The Board of Adjustment will meet in Council Chambers June 17th at 3PM.  Here is a link to the agenda.  Two items, one appealing a decision of the Zoning and Planning Commission about a home business at 714 Rolling Green to operate a physical therapy business.  The other item is a Special Use Permit to allow Emmaus Parish to continue to keep temporary portable buildings.

City Council will meet in regular session Monday evening at 6:30 in Council Chambers - here is that agenda.  It looks like a short meeting.

Steve Jones went to a TCMA conference in out of town Friday and his report and the police blotter hasn't made it to me yet - I'll try to post it when I get it!

Joe Bain

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