Friday, June 5, 2015

Quarter Century Club, July 4th, Jones Report and Police!

It's a beautiful day in Lakeway!  Today I was honored once again to attend the "Quarter Century Club" celebration at the Activity Center.  It is a GREAT celebration where those that made a huge impact on Lakeway's past and present are honored with a luncheon.  Stick around, when you've been here 25 years, you can join too!

We are approaching the July 4th Celebration in Lakeway - every year I am amazed at the turn out for the parade and festivities.  If you haven't noticed, Lakeway is one of the most patriotic Cities in the nation and we show it on the 4th!  This year's Grand Marshall is non other than our own General Dick Drury - long time resident and volunteer.  Here is a bio written by Shelly Ansbach - please take a moment to enjoy it!

This will be the 40th anniversary of the 4th of July Parade in Lakeway.  Here is a write up about the celebration with a lot more information - take a moment to read up on the festivities!

CBC will meet in regular session on Thursday June 11, 2015.  Here is that agenda.

From Steve Jones:
The search continues for a new Building Official.  We interviewed a candidate this week and will interview another next week.  In the interim, Chessie continues to manage the department.  

The building department has been overrun with permit applications for roof repairs.  We estimate about 700 applications have been received since the last hailstorm, and about 400 have been processed.  The department has also processed hundreds of applications for door-to-door soliciting.  The information we are hearing from claims adjustors is to expect another 4 weeks of applications.  Local roofers are telling us they are scheduled 4-6 weeks out, and some of them are no longer accepting new jobs.  Essentially, we are receiving and processing permits at three to four times our normal rate, with half the FTEs to do the work.  In response, all BDS staff is working overtime to the extent possible.  In addition, Wendy Askey is covering all of her HR duties in addition to all of the BDS admin/permit tech duties.  And, we are hiring an outside firm to process roofing permits.  

The Zoning and Planning Commission met in regular session this week. The commission approved two sign requests, and recommended in favor of a special use permit application for flexible commercial space in a C-2 zoning district from Mr. Bob Laws. The application is for the tract behind the Valero and Chicken Express, where two buildings containing flex commercial space currently exist. Mr. Laws desires to expand the use into a third building and, because the C-2 zoned tract is adjacent to residentially zoned land, he needs a special use permit to do so. This item will be on the agenda for the June 15 city council meeting.

The parks department surveyed their storm damage to determine the financial impact.  Hamilton Greenbelt I & II were the hardest hit, and we estimate it will require about 15 loads of decomposed granite to restore the trails.  Additionally, a portion of the Sailmaster Pedestrian Bridge was destroyed by floodwaters.  We will not be able to determine the repair costs associated with this section until the floodwaters recede and we can see what the extent of the damage is, and if the missing rocks remain or have washed downstream and are not recoverable for the repair.  Trail repairs will require about five thousand dollars in materials.  We are waiting for estimates on the cost of repairs to the bridge, most of which will be covered by insurance.  

Public Works reports that we have another culvert/road failure on Picea Drive at the Hurst Creek Road intersection.  The bottom of the culvert has rusted out which is allowing the water to enter underneath and creating a void.  We are getting quotes so we can get this fixed as soon as possible.
  “Yield to Pedestrians Ahead” symbols have been painted on Highlands Blvd in advance of the crosswalk at Tavish Tr.  This should help alert motorist to yield to pedestrians trying to cross Highlands Blvd.  Department employees attended a short safety meeting on Wednesday in preparation of the eventual opening of the Lake Travis Regional Reuse and Recycle center.  Bid opening for a street striping contract will occur today.  

Public Works is also developing a bid package for this year’s street overlay project.  We believe that we will be able to repair and overlay the remaining “red” streets in our program.

Last week, a contingent from the city including councilmembers, Deer Management Committee members, and city staff attended a Texas Parks & Wildlife seminar on the management of urban whitetail deer populations.  All aspects of deer management programs were presented and discussed by TP&W and various subject matter experts.  Our own Charles Edwards presented information on our local program.  TP&W reaffirmed that Lakeway’s deer management program is still a model program for other Texas communities to study and emulate.  

Last week, TxDOT’s RM 620 Study committee met to receive a report from the study’s consultant.  The report indicates that certain improvements to RM 620 could make the road function better in 2035 than it does today.  The improvements include adding additional travel lanes (for a total of three lanes in each direction), increasing the number and location of turn lanes, and the addition of a raised median.  The committee asked TxDOT to evaluate the impact of other options such as installing an adaptive traffic signal system and requiring all students to ride busses to Lake Travis High School.  The results of those options will be presented later this summer.  

I just received word that the traffic signal has been installed on RM 620 at the entrance to The Oaks.  Also, TxDOT has advised us that it is preparing to install a new traffic signal on RM 620 at Clara Van Road (Lexus of Lakeway).  
Police Blotter:
Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges - Out of Jurisdiction Warrant X 1; Warrant Arrest X 1; Driving while Intoxicated X 1; Driving Under the Influence X 1; Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 3; Possession of a Controlled Substance X 2; Open Container X 1. 
Officers responded to a Disturbance call at the Casa Verde condominiums. The investigation showed that the disturbance was verbal.
Officers responded to a Disturbance call on Fantail Loop, as a result one person was arrested for Assault Family Violence, and for an outstanding warrant from Bexar County. 
Officers responded to a Disturbance call on Arroyo Claro, after an investigation the subjects were separated for the night. 
Officers responded to assist EMS on Electra. Upon arrival, officers found an unconscious subject in the swimming pool. A neighbor was trying to get him out of the pool. Once officers pulled the subject out of the swimming pool, they started CPR. When EMS arrived, they took over the treatment. After a pulse and breathing were restored, the subject was transported to the hospital by Star Flight. Responding officers did an EXCELLENT job at helping save this man’s life.
Officers took a report in reference to a theft at a residence under construction on Ansley Cove. Items were taken from inside the garage. 
Officers assisted EMS with a Deceased Person Call at Brookside on Lohman’s Crossing. A resident at the facility had passed away.
Officers and investigators responded to a Deceased Person Call on Lakeway Blvd. A subject that had been hired as a roofer, was found by the homeowner deceased lying in the yard. The cause of death is not yet confirmed by the Travis County Medical Examiner, but heart attack is suspected. 
Officers responded to a subject at the middle school who was in a state of mental distress. The officers were able to calm the bi-lingual subject down. Once the parents arrived they took custody of her and transported her to a treatment center. 

CID (Crime Investigation Dept.) is investigating a felony Breech of Computer Security case.  A known suspect unlawfully accessed a business’s database and altered/deleted proprietary information resulting in substantial financial loss.  
CID received a long-term fraud case involving a substantial loss (approximately $2 million). The investigation will be very in-depth and is in the early stages. 
CID assisted in the investigations of the one deceased person and the subject that fell off the roof and was found unconscious. Awaiting more information from the hospitals and the Travis County medical examiner’s office, respectively.

Taser installed the Axon in car camera systems with automatic activation devices in several patrol cars and on one motorcycle. These units are very similar to the cameras worn by our officers. The advantage is the software to view and log the videos is the same thus could be a money saver in the budget. So far, the test units are working flawlessly. We were selected as the only beta test site in Texas for this type of test.
We will make our monthly trek to CAMPO Monday evening - it looks to be a "spirited" meeting.  I'll give a report on it next week.  If you interested - here is the agenda and data.

Lake Travis is up to almost 668 as of this report - it's looking grand!  Hopefully the new regulations will be accepted by the LCRA and TCEQ and the new plan with it's more stringent requirements for irrigation water to be sent down stream.  I'd rather manage our water better so we don't go through the last 4 years again!

Thanks for the continued support!  Please let me know if you want to be included on my mailing list by sending a note to

Joe Bain

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