Saturday, May 23, 2015

Thunder, Memorial Day Service, 5th Best Suburb, and More!

Good Morning!  Woke up to thunder and rain again today and loved it!  Lake Travis continues to rise and it looks like it will continue through the weekend and Memorial Day!  Be careful when driving, don't drive through any low water crossings - remember, Turn Around Don't Drown!

Lakeway's Memorial Day Service was held Friday at Emmaus Catholic Church - it was a GREAT venue!  Lieutenant General Jeff Howell, USMC (Ret.) was the Guest Speaker and did a GREAT job of describing some of his time and service.  The Lakeway Sing Alongs did a GREAT job of providing Patriotic music for the event.  General Rod Kelly and the Standing Military Committee, staff and everyone that had a part in the production did and Outstanding job!  Thank you!  And thanks to all our military for their service - they are the reason we enjoy the freedom that makes our lives so good!

According to a list of the best suburbs in Texas, our neighbor Rollingwood came in 1st place ahead of some ritzy neighborhoods in Dallas!  Our own Lakeway came in 5th!  Here is a link to the article.

Staff and I met with Stratus Corp. Wednesday morning and got an update on progress at the new "Oaks of Lakeway" project.  They are excited about some of the businesses leasing space and told us the project is on track for partial openings later this year - the HEB should open in October.

I had a short meeting with Travis County Judge Sara Eckhardt Wednesday evening and discussed some of the issues our community needs help with.  I then attended the Lakeway Democrats meeting where Judge Eckhardt talked about issues and her take on County issues - it was illuminating.

CBC will meet in regular session next Thursday - here is their agenda.

Parks and Rec are doing a great job - here is the April report from Andra Dearing.

From Steve Jones:
I have attached a legislative summary from TML regarding the probable outcome of this legislative session.  It appears that cities have fared well despite attacks from certain legislators.  The revenue cap bills appear to be dead, and the assault on annexation seems to have failed again.  

Thanks go to Dwight Haley and Bridge Bertram for signing up for the Texas Parks and Wildlife’s workshop on urban deer next week.  The Chairman of our program, Charles Edwards, will be one of the presenters at the workshop.  Our deer management program has been the object of some criticism lately from residents who are not necessarily well informed on the management of urban deer populations.  Council support of the program is essential if it is to remain successful.  Lakeway’s deer management program is widely recognized as one of the best and most effective deer management programs in Texas, and it is an honor that Texas Parks and Wildlife requested that we contribute to the workshop. Inc., a web based ranking and review site for schools and communities, has ranked Lakeway as the fifth best suburban community in Texas for 2015.  Lakeway ranked higher than many prestigious communities.  For details go to:  

We have a final tally on the cost of cleaning up the “leaf tsunami.”  Progressive absorbed $9,134.50 in expenses for the first week, and the three weeks after that cost the city $22,104.00. 

From the Chief:

LPD officers conducted routine traffic stops this week and some resulted in the following charges be filed; Out of Jurisdiction Warrant X 1.

Officers responded to a neighborhood dispute on Mooring Circle, a female was trespassing on another person’s property to complain about environmental issues.  No charges were filed. 

Officers were call to a residence on Champions Dr. in reference to a Burglary of a Habitation. A male subject reported someone entered his residence and had stolen several items. This case is under investigation. 

Officers responded to a Verbal Disturbance on Porpoise, upon arrival they found a husband and wife engaged in an argument. The male left the residence for the night. 

Officers responded to a report of a Noise Violation at Yacht Club Cove, after using the decibel meter it was discovered that there was no violation. 

Officers responded to the Holiday Inn Express after a manager reported the burglary of a supply room. Officers found that someone had entered a supply room on the third floor, however it is unknown if anything was taken. 

Officers assisted Travis County Deputies with a Barricaded Suspect call on Thunderhead, in Apache Shores just outside the city. Our officers secured the perimeter and provided a Spanish translator during this incident involving a person with a gun. 

Officers took a report of Theft from a resident on Rudder St.  The resident reports that possibly someone doing work at her home may have stolen a few firearms.   


Detectives investigated an alleged sexual assault of a teenage victim after a third party reported it.  The victim denied an assault occurred and the case was closed. 

Detective Gavit and Sgt. Brown completed another round of Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug and other substances training at West Cypress Hill and Lakeway Elementary schools.  

A local Cub Scout troop was given a tour of the Lakeway Police department. After the tour they had a chance to discuss what it is like to be a police professional with Detective Gavit. 

Detectives are investigating a reported home burglary on Champion Drive.  Jewelry, firearms and other property valued at over $40,000 was reported stolen.  There were no signs of forced entry, this case is under investigation.

This is the end of my first week as Mayor!  It's been really busy and I'm looking forward to a GREAT 3 years.  We are trying to schedule some word sessions to discuss issues facing the City in the future, I have asked the City Attorney to do a class both for the new members of Council and all existing members of Council and members of our Commissions - it is important that we know and follow State laws and understand our duties and limitations.  We have a great Council and I look forward to working with all of them!

Next week I have several meetings scheduled including meetings with Council Members, the TxDot 620 Study Group, meetings with other "Small Cities" I represent at CAMPO, a Water Forum, CBC and finally a CAMPO Policy Board Retreat to learn and discuss issues with the area traffic.  I'll give you a report on all of them in the next update!

As always, if you would like to be added (or removed) from my email list please send a request to and I'll take care of it.

Thanks again for all the support!

Joe Bain

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