Thursday, May 21, 2015

Memorial Day Service!, July 4th, DUI Enforcement

Good Morning!  This will be a short report with more possibly coming Saturday - there are a couple of things I wanted to be sure were on your agendas.

Please be sure to put the Memorial Day Service to honor those that sacrificed for our freedoms.  The service will be held at Emmaus Catholic Church, 1718 Lohmans Crossing at 11AM FRIDAY.  Please join me, please join me on Friday - we have a GREAT speaker, General Jeff Howell, USMC, and the Lakeway Sing Alongs will provide patriotic music!  See you there!

As you are probably aware, July 4th is a big thing around Lakeway.  Shelly Ansbach sent me a write up about the Pagent that is held every year - here is a link!  Take a few minutes and give it a read - you'll be glad you did!

Memorial Day weekend is upon us - there is a coalition of local law enforcement agencies this weekend to help keep our roads clear of drunk drivers - here is a link to the press release.  Be careful out there!

Thanks for all the support!  As you know, I was sworn into office on Monday evening.  Thanks to all that attended!  I am looking forward to serving as Mayor and doing everything in my power to maintain the quality of life we enjoy in Lakeway.  It's been pretty busy so far!  We are finally getting our hands around all the permits and storm issues - thanks for your patience!  We are looking forward to a new Code Manager that starts next week.  The Lakes are up a little and it's still raining!

More as I find out!

Thanks again for all the support!

Joe Bain

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