Saturday, May 16, 2015

CAMPO and Much More!

Hasn't the rain been WONDERFUL!  Looks like more coming - Lake Travis is up enough for the first boat ramp to open - 631.32.  I've had about 1.75 inches at the 15th Tee of Live Oak.  It has been a great May so far, but remember we should still be about 40 feet higher - we are currently at 39% full.

CAMPO Report:  Dwight Haley, Chessie Zimmerman and I attended the CAMPO Board meeting Monday evening.  After a somewhat arduous hour and a half, the 2040 plan was adopted including planning for up to a 4 lane increase (2 each way) on MOPAC South of Downtown Austin.  It's a GREAT start!  Chairman Conley also made some advance on the Committee to study solutions for Western Travis County and got a commitment from Judge Eckhardt that the County would help finance studies and improvements.  I have a meeting with Judge Eckhardt this week to talk about ways the City and County can work together on several issues.

I apologize, I didn't report that this week was National Police Week and I really appreciate the great job our Police Force does for us in Lakeway.  I also attended the "First Annual Police Memorial Observance" in Bee Cave Friday morning.  They are planning to have an annual observance for those First Responders who gave the ultimate sacrifice.  The Ceremony was well attended and music was provided by Mike Olsen (trumpet and bagpipes) of the Lakeway Police Department.

I was honored to attend a Luncheon yesterday given by the Women's Club's "Galloping Gourmets" for Lakeway and the Hills staff, boards, commissions, employees and elected officials.  The food was GREAT and the event was well attended.  I really appreciate the effort by the ladies.  Thank you!

It appears the leaf invasion is almost over - I've noticed most of the bags have been removed and clean up is almost done.  We are still experiencing an invasion of roofers and contractors after your business.  If someone comes to your door, they should have a City Permit to show you to solicit - if not get a business card and notify the City.  Here is a link to the "No Solicit" list if you would like to be included - please understand if they have already received a permit you will not be included on their current list.  We are behind on permits for repairs - please be patient as we have received over a 100 times our normal volume.

Monday evening Council will meet in regular session.  Here is the agenda.  The swearing in of the new Council Members and Mayor will take place along with a presentation from the Central Texas Regional Transportation Authority (CTRMA) on their projects.  I'm hoping it will be a short meeting!

From Chessie Zimmerman:
This week got off to a good start. Mayor-elect Bain, Councilman Haley and I attended the regular meeting of the CAMPO Transportation Policy Board on Monday. The board voted to approve the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan. The plan includes the addition of 4 variable toll lanes on Mopac south of Lady Bird Lake. Representatives from the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) will make a brief presentation at Monday’s council meeting about this and other planned projects.

Finance Director Julie Oakley reports that the Finance Department has quantified the savings realized from the new Purchasing Policy adopted by Council in February.  So far on an annual basis, due to renegotiating contracts that  have expired and getting three quotes on projects and services over $3,000, the City has saved over $30,000.  The policy is allowing competition to work by driving down pricing.  The department has issued a request for proposals for banking services.  The submission deadline is June 5, 2015 with staff making a recommendation to council at its June 15, 2015 regular meeting.

Building and Development Services continues to experience a high volume of permit applications, but the flood of solicitation applications has diminished. Staff members are processing roofing and other small project permits on a dual track with typical permits. Review times are still longer than normal, but progress is being made.

From Chief Radford:
Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges: Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 2; Possession of a Controlled Substance X 2; Out of Jurisdiction Warrant X 1; Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor X 2

Officers responded to a 911 and Welfare Check call at Lakeway Regional Medical Center. Upon arrival officers were informed by a female patient that she was concerned over her treatment, after speaking with officers and learning she was going to be transferred to another medical facility she withdrew her complaint. She was informed of the proper use of 911 in the future. Officers responded to an establishment on RR 620  because of an unwanted customer. Upon arrival officers were told that a male subject was causing problems and they would like him to leave. The subject was removed from the bar, where he was able to get transportation to his residence. Officers were called to the Brookdale Assisted Living facility on Lohman’s  Crossing to assist EMS. Upon arrival officers observed CPR was in progress on an elderly patient. CPR efforts were not successful and the subject was pronounced deceased by the Travis County Medical Director. A Stoney Creek couple reported that their identity information has been used to file a fraudulent tax return with the IRS. The electronic transaction was discovered by the IRS and no funds were released.  A Time Warner Cable Supervisor reported that one of their boxes on Highlands Blvd. had been broken into. A connection was made and unknown persons are stealing electrical power from the box. The supervisor was able to shut of the connection. Detectives are working on this case and Time Warner has indicated a desire to prosecute if a suspect is identified.   


LPD Officer Gavit and Sgt Brown conducted awareness course(s) for the 5th graders of Lake Travis Elementary School related to the dangers of using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. One of our Detectives provided a tour of the Police Department for the Daisy Scouts. A suspect in one of our felony stalking cases was located and arrested in Atascosa County. Unfortunately Atascosa CO. released the subject after he posted bond. The Ford Police Explorer SUV Interceptor was tested by our officers as we look at our fleet options for the coming year.
Thanks again for all the support, I have decided to continue this blog for at least the near future although time constraints may be a factor in the future. 

I would also like to thank Dave DeOme for his service to the community.  He will be a hard act to follow!  He is a good friend and has guided the City and Council expertly for the last six years as our Mayor.  It has been wonderful working with a person of his caliber - his insight and work has been an inspiration.  

Thanks also to Phil Brown, I have enjoyed working with him for the last two years - I wish him all the luck in the future and hope he continues in his support of the City and other organizations - he has made a positive impact with his efforts!

I feel honored for the opportunity to serve as Mayor for the next three years - I will do my best to be a good steward and representative for the City of Lakeway.  I look forward to serving with all of the Council Members and working to keep Lakeway the wonderful place that it is.  

Thanks again for the support!  If you would like to be added to my email list just send a note to and I'll get you added.

Thanks again and have a GREAT weekend!

Joe Bain

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