Friday, December 19, 2014

Fun Events, Council, Steve's Report and Police Blotter

It's almost Christmas and Lakeway's Christmas spirit is in full swing.  Take some time and drive around the City, there are decorations everywhere!

First some announcements of going's on around the City.  Start the new year by dancing to a live band at the next Big Band Bash January 12th.  It's at the Activity Center from 8 to 10 p.m. in the ballroom and is free.  BYOB if desired.  For more info call the activity center at 512-261-1010.

The Lakeway Players are announcing auditions for "Sing On", a comedy about a musical by Rick Abbot.  Contact Eamon Hughes, Director, at  Show dates are March 26 - 28, 2015.  If you have it in you, try out!

Police are planning to ramp up on patrols to combat drunk driving this holiday season,  Here is a link to more information.

Council met in regular session Monday evening.  Here is a link to the agenda.

Financially, the City is doing well, we are over budget on revenues and under budget on expenses - a good place to be.  Thanks to all the departments for doing a GREAT job on containing expenses!

The Council received a presentation by Janis Barlow and Associates on a feasibility study for an arts and conference center.  It appears that a conference center would not be a very good idea but possibly a Performing Arts Center would be.  It seems that the Austin Area has a need for a specific size center.  It was a very promising report and we approved part two of the feasibility study - more on this soon.

The Visitors Commission requested funding for marketing and public relations services - this was postponed for several reasons until the next regular council session.  More on that soon also.

Item 9 was a resolution that allow the City to reimburse itself from bond proceeds in relation to the purchase of land approved by the voters for the LTYA project.  This just covers expenses leading up to the purchase and is required for reimbursement.

Item 10 rezoned Cherry Mountain from R-1 to C-1.  This is property next to the Hospital PUD and looks like a good use for it.  The owners also own the property on the other side of Wild Cherry Drive.

Item 11 changed the ordinance that established the Visitors commission to allow meetings at least quarterly.

Minutes were approved and the meeting ended about 9PM.  
From Steve Jones:
There is not a lot to report on this week that you are not already aware of.  I made the offer that we discussed to the Cherry Knoll property owners regarding right-of-way for the Flint Rock Road project.  I do not expect to hear back from them until after the first of the year.  

Once the holidays have passed, Lakeway residents may drop their Christmas trees off at Lakeway Public Works Department, 3303 Serene Hills Drive.  The department will accept Christmas trees from 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, but it will be closed on New Year’s Day.  Residents also may cut their trees into 3-foot lengths and put them on the street curb on their normal trash day.  All trees must be cleaned of all decorations.  For information, contact the Lakeway Solid Waste Department office at 512-314-7514.

Chief Radford reported:

A dishwasher was reported stolen from a home under construction on Kaden Way.  There was no forced entry.  The suspects in these cases are usually other contractors working in the area, but CID is asking anyone with information about this theft to contact our office. 
Routine traffic stops led to the following charges being filed: 
o Possession of drug paraphernalia
o Driver and passenger arrested on Lakeway warrants (two subjects arrested for five warrants)
o Minor in consumption of alcohol
A forged check was reportedly used to steal $2,500 from a Lakeway resident’s bank account. 
Physical Readiness Testing for all sworn personnel was completed as part of our yearly fitness standard. 
A tour of the Police Department was provided for a Boy Scout troop. 
Patrol rifle qualifications were completed as part of our yearly firearms qualification requirement.
Four applicants completed initial employment testing; two passed the tests and were moved forward in the process to join the other four applicants currently in the process. 

Megan Coutee, Nicole Sooter, and Detective Gavit continue to work on the best practices recertification program.  The preliminary assessment was completed today by an evaluator from Cedar Park PD.  We passed the initial assessment and are requesting our formal assessment be conducted in early January.  

That's about it for 2014, with all the holidays and festivities I will be taking next week off.  I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and I will be looking forward to seeing all of you in the next year.  Thanks so much for all the support, we have a GREAT City, and I would especially like to thank all of the volunteers that make Lakeway great!   It is a pleasure to work with everyone - I can't believe another year has passed already. 

Joe Bain

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