Friday, April 25, 2014

Week's Happenings, Council Update, MUD Race and More!

Well folks, the week started out with a Council meeting on Monday evening.  The first thing that got my attention was a Citizens Participation speech by Jerry Hietpas pretty much saying the Council wasn't running the City and didn't know who was along with surely violating the Open Meetings Act.  He quoted a letter from someone named Jack Smart that was published in the Lake Travis View - here is a link to that letter.  Here is a link to the recording of Mr. Hietpas speech - it's right after the Pledge of Alligience.  I really hadn't paid much attention to the issue, and was glad to see there was interest in Lakeway MUD - and then I started reading the Letters to the Editor so I thought I would publish all of them so you could see what is being said.  Mr. Ansbach wrote an article a week before Mr. Smart's letter - here is that article, again published in the Lake Travis View.  In the next Lake Travis View, there were letters from two Board Member's of the Lakeway MUD with views that slightly conflict with Ansbach and Hietpas - here are those letters.  And then yesterday, two letters were published, one from a citizen and the other from Tom Armstrong - here are those letters that were also published in the Lake Travis View.  
Editorial:  Here's what I think.  MUD's were established to start water and sewer services in NEW cities to allow them to set up a taxing authority to pay for those services.  Lakeway MUD has done a GREAT job over the years to make that a reality.  It is also the oldest MUD in the state I'm told and MUD's generally are absorbed by City's after the need for a separate entity has passed.  I'm of the opinion that a GOOD study should be done to see if that time is here. Tom Brewer (LMUD Director) broached that subject in the recent past and learned that the current administration would not vote to allow it and the idea was dropped.  

Once again, I'm not sure the time is right, but it would be nice to at least have some good data to base that opinion on.  Mr. Armstrong has told me he would work to that end and wants to be sure the MUD does the best thing for the citizens of Lakeway.  I think that is a good idea.  I know the MUD says their rates are the lowest in the state - maybe so, but the MUD property taxes I pay are higher than the City property tax.  Maybe it's time we at least took a look! Look at the data I've found and see what you think.

Joe Bain
On with the Council Report:
Item 6 was a Comprehensive Plan Amendment: Future Use Plan.  It was approved 7 to 1, Council Member Bruce Harris dissenting. 

A zoning change was requested for 309 RR 620 North to change from C-1 to C-2 to allow for a SUP for a storage facility at that address.  This was also discussed in the Special ZAPCO meeting that afternoon before council and was defeated.  Council would have needed a "super majority" to override the ZAPCO vote ( 6 of 7 for) and the vote was 4 to 3 against.  Mayor DeOme, Council Members Burns, Taylor and Bain against - Council Members Brown, Harris and Powell for.  It was defeated and rendered the next item (8) moot.

The rest of the items went with little fanfare and were all passed.  Staff was given instruction to look at hours construction is allowed to see if we need to further restrict them.
From Steve Jones:
Andra Dearing's report for March is here - another great effort!  Thanks Andra!

In HR news, 10 folks completed paperwork and are ready to begin work when the swim center opens for the summer season.

We received word from TCOLE that our City Marshal’s office has been recognized as an official law enforcement agency of the state.  The marshal may now begin executing arrest warrants.  

Seven traffic stops during the past week resulted in drug seizures including marijuana, hash oil, cocaine, Xanax, ecstasy, and paraphernalia.  

LPD officers stopped a vehicle for driving 82 mph in a 50 mph zone.  The driver was arrested for DWI.

An LPD officer stopped a vehicle for a minor traffic violation. Upon stopping, the driver exited the vehicle and ran. After a short foot pursuit, he was caught by the officer, arrested, and charged with fleeing and several outstanding warrants. 

The police department has several events planned including:

Drug Take Back – Saturday 10a-2p at LPD 
SpringFest – Saturday at the backyard.  Lakeway Police Foundation will have a booth 
Citizens Police Academy Graduation – May 9, 6pm at the Activity Center
Bingo – May 16, sponsored by the Lakeway Police Foundation

Memorial day - May 26, LPD Honor Guard will be participating

Fox, Smolen & Associates has completed an analysis of Texas Gas Service’s interim rate filing.  This is the rate filing that you suspended in March.  FSA reports that the rate request is warranted, and recommends approval.  The proposed rate will increase residential bills by $1.62 per month.  It will be on your May agenda for consideration.  

I met with residents who live across the fairway from the Fairlake condominium project on Lakeway Drive this week.  They are unhappy with the way the backs of the homes in Fairlake appear from the golf course and from their homes.  While I agree that the homes could be more attractive, they meet the requirements of our ordinances.  Staff and CBC will probably review our ordinances with respect to improving the appearance of such homes.  

Lakeway MUD has advised us it is likely that there will be water use restrictions this summer that may prohibit watering landscaping.  In light of that, we believe it is reasonable to defer the installation of required landscaping until a more appropriate time.  I am working with Troy and Alan Bojorquez to draft an ordinance that will authorize staff to make that call under certain circumstances.  I hope to have it ready for our May agenda.  

As a reminder, the Chamber of Commerce’s SpringFest is this weekend, with activities this evening and tomorrow.  For more information, see the chamber’s website. 
The Heritage Trail Tour is scheduling Bus Tours again on May 21.  Here is a link to more information.

UT opera stars Soonchan Kwon and Sooyeon Kang will perform a free concert on May 18, 2014 at the Lakeway Activity Center - here is a link to more information.

I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can find for now - please have a wonderful weekend and hopefully we will get some much needed rain!

Joe Bain

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