Friday, February 28, 2014

No Election, Jones Report, and More!

Good Evening!  The BIG news for the day is there will be no City election in Lakeway this May!  No one else signed up to run for City Council so please welcome Dave Taylor, Dwight Haley and Sandy Cox as your new Council Members!  Dave Taylor was reelected to his third term, Dwight and Sandy will replace Dee Ann Burns and Bruce Harris when their terms end.  A huge thanks to both of these retiring Council Members who have served the City faithfully for 6 years each!  they will both be missed!

The Council met in Special Session today (Friday) to postpone the election on the City Charter changes until the November cycle and the City will save a considerable sum over holding the election now where we would share the costs of the election with other entities since all the county elections are now held in November.  Here is that agenda.  This was maybe the shortest meeting ever lasting only 2 minutes.

From Steve Jones:
Tuesday night, I participated in a stakeholder’s meeting at Austin Energy to discuss options for future power generation.  At this time, there are no definitive plans, but a strategy is forming.  AE plans to eventually phase out coal powered generation, and its natural gas capabilities will diminish over the next decade.  From what I heard, I think it is safe to assume that wind energy will replace coal, and new natural gas plants will provide the majority of power.  AE will continue to produce current levels of nuclear power, and small amounts of power from solar and biomass production.

Sharon Cole, Human Resources Manager, announced that she is retiring in May.  Sharon has been an outstanding employee of the city for over a decade.  She will be missed, but we wish her good luck and happiness as her and husband King spend time traveling on an extended vacation.  We have advertised for her replacement and received twenty applications with some strong candidates.

I am sure by now you have heard some account of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s decision this week.  While I am disappointed that the commissioners avoided the “trigger” issue, I am pleased that there will be no water released for irrigation this spring.  Even though the commission failed to address the trigger issue, the TCEQ administrative law judge sent a strong signal to LCRA that a high trigger point is necessary to protect the interests of firm water customers.

From Chessie Zimmerman:
I attended the CAMPO Technical Advisory Committee meeting on Wednesday.  The TAC took action on several items, including funding requests and the revenue forecast for the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan.  TAC members also began reviewing the evaluative process and the comprehensive list of projects for the 2040 Plan.  

Troy and I attended a meeting with representatives from Serene Hills, Ltd. to discuss development of the western side of the subdivision.  Interested builders joined the meeting to familiarize themselves with the city’s building permit processes and standards.  The Serene Hills subdivision will host the Parade of Homes in 2015.

Chief Radford Reports:
Travis County recovered property that was stolen from a vehicle the night of February 13, 2014. Detective Proctor was able to file charges on that suspect for some vehicle burglaries in our city.  

Detective Proctor obtained a felony warrant for theft. A business reported that a former employee deposited over $7000 worth of company checks into her personal bank account.

The installation of the new fiber optic connection was completed and the system is live. We have already seen decreased latency and increased upload speeds. This should enhance the upload speed of our AXON videos and should increase functionality of the mobile computers in the patrol vehicles. 

Officer initiated stops this week resulted in arrests and seizures of narcotics to include marijuana, cocaine and hash oil.  Officers made three DWI arrests this week, one for a felony since the driver had a small child; one for a DWI child in the car after a leaving the scene crash; and the final one was discovered during a regular traffic stop. 

Officers responded to a residence on Rudder after a man pointed a gun at his wife and then himself.  A peace officer emergency commitment was done on the man.  He was transported to the hospital without further incident.
ZAPCO will meet on March 3, 2014 and several major items will be discussed - here is that agenda.

Tomorrow don't forget the City Wide Garage Sale at the Activity Center from 8am until 12 noon.  Admission is free but they gladly accept donations of non-perishable or canned food items in the lobby which will be donated to local food banks and charities.

It looks like a beautiful weekend is in store for Central Texas!  I hope everyone gets out and enjoys it!

Thanks for all the support!

Joe Bain

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