Friday, February 21, 2014

Morning Cloud Fire, TCEQ News and MORE!

First, I have had many questions about the fire on Morning Cloud a little over a week ago.  Chief Abbot says the origin of the fire was the chimney structure, sparks from either failure of the fire box or the chimney tubing.  Due to heavy damage from the roof collapse and chimney collapse it was impossible to determine the exact failure point.

The City lost two long time members this last week.  First, Richard Schultz, long time City volunteer and past City Council member passed away late on February 17th.  and was found on a welfare check by officers early on the 18th.  

The second was the first doctor that had an office in Lakeway - Dr. Ben Houle.  Dr. Houle sold his home and the Catholic Church in Lakeway is now located on that property - the home is now the Church office.

Both gentlemen will be missed and were wonderful citizens in Lakeway - please keep their families in your prayers.

Now for some better news!  Good Morning America will be at the Lake Travis Stadium to film the LT band live in a "do over" on Monday, February 24.  Please join the students and parents to watch the performance on live TV starting at 6am!   You might remember the performance that went viral after the tuba section took a spill during a performance.  It's early, but it should be a GREAT show!

I received an email today from Chief Radford letting me know the Lakeway Police Foundation will be holding a BINGO night on May 2, 2014 so put it on your calendar!  Here is a link to more information.

From Steve Jones:
We heard good news this afternoon regarding TCEQ’s approval of the LCRA’s request for an emergency order.  Last week, the case was referred by the TCEQ commissioners to an administrative law judge for a hearing.  The hearing was conducted this week, and the judge issued his ruling today.  Not only does the judge recommend commission approval of the emergency order, he also found that the trigger point for releases of water for irrigation should be raised from the 1.1 million acre-feet requested by LCRA to the 1.4 million acre-feet requested by the upper-basin firm water customers.  The irrigators are requesting a trigger point of 850,000 acre-feet.  This may seem moot given current low lake levels.  However, it provides us with a strategic advantage when we begin working with LCRA staff on their new water management plan that will include new trigger points for irrigation releases.  

The Deer Management Committee reported that we have trapped 124 animals so far this year.  There is enough money remaining to trap an additional 35 deer.  If successful, this year’s total will exceed prior years all the way back to 2008 when 226 deer were caught.  This, along with a record number of dead deer disposals, indicates that it was a good year for the animals.  It also shows how fast a deer population can increase in numbers.  We plan to continue trapping through March or until we reach our limit.  

Andra Dearing reported, “I met with Doug Rummel this morning to get the trail easement work done on Bisset Court.  I would like to have the Bisset Court trail ready to bring to city council for approval in April, if possible.  I have also ironed out summer programming issues at the swim center and will be writing up the swim team contracts over the next few weeks.  As each program grows, so does the need for lane space and time.  In order to accommodate all the needs, we will be making some adjustments.  After reviewing all of the options with staff, Jessica Evans, and Coach Janet Risser, I believe we’re set to provide the very best accommodations for all user groups.”  

From Chessie Zimmerman:
I met with representatives from Stratus to discuss building materials, the construction timeline, and other details concerning the recently approved Oaks at Lakeway PUD. Stratus is in the process of selecting a firm to design and manage a website for the project.  The website will feature an interactive map, progress reports, and a survey to encourage community input.

Troy and I met with Matt Niles from Western Rim Property Services.  This is the company that has purchased the multifamily tract in Serene Hills.  They were granted a variance for cut and fill last year, and are still working through the site plan approval process.  If they are able to achieve compliance with codes and ordinances, construction of the project could begin within the next few months.

Notification letters regarding the proposed annexation of land northwest of Bee Creek Road and SH 71 were mailed to affected property owners on Friday.  Information about the proposed annexation and the timeline for the process can be found on the city’s website (

Sharon Cole reports, “We interviewed and hired a new part-time admin assistant for Solid Waste.  Every open position in the city is filled.  We also updated several City policies with minor changes and compliance updates. These policies will be presented at an upcoming City Council meeting.”  

Troy Anderson reports, “The Board of Adjustment meeting scheduled for Wednesday afternoon was cancelled, as the applicant withdrew their request for variance.  Agenda packets have been prepped and are being delivered for next week’s Building Commission meeting.  No noteworthy building permit applications were received or issued.”

From Chief Radford:
Three vehicle burglaries occurred on the night of Feb. 13.  One occurred on the Duck Lake and the other two on Royal Oak.  Nothing was taken on Duck Lake but a number of items were taken from the vehicles on Royal Oak.  There was no forced entry.  One of the victims had called the police to report four suspicious persons in the area the night of the burglaries; we are following up on this intelligence report.  Park / Lock / Hide, it is that simple, and it can deter this type of crime.

A vehicle was stolen from a residence on Lakeway Drive.  The homeowners were gone from the residence and only became aware that their vehicle was stolen when they were contacted by a tow company and advised their vehicle had been abandoned and impounded.  It is believed that the suspect gained entry into the residence through an open back door, took the car key off of the wall, and took the vehicle.  The investigation is ongoing.

We are receiving multiple reports of telephone fraud in which someone calls the victim and claims that a family member of the victim has been injured or arrested or is in some other sort of distress.  The caller generally has a name of a family member.  The suspect then requests the victim wire money to a location to help their family member. We encourage our citizens to try to contact the distressed family member directly or get proof of their request before making any gestures at giving funds to anyone. This is a cruel crime and people need to take care of their assets and not let their heart strings be pulled by these financial predators.

LPD Narcotics K9s conducted two searches with negative results.  One of the searches was carried out at Lake Travis High School at their request. Last week their new K-9 “Stash” fell ill and passed away unexpectedly. We offered our condolences to the handler and the school district for their loss. At this time they are not expecting to replace the K9 so we have offered our services should a K-9 be needed.
Lakeway Municipal Court Judge Kevin Madison will present “Designer Drugs and Other Substances Youth are Abusing,” an introductory lesson on synthetic, organic and herbal drugs, from 7-8 p.m. Feb. 26 at Lakeway Activity Center, 105 Cross Creek. Bring pen and paper. There will be a question-and-answer section at the end of the program. Because seating is limited, please RSVP to Lakeway Activity Center at 512-261-1010.

City Building Commission will meet Feb. 27 at 9:00 AM in Council Chambers.  Here is that agenda.

Have a GREAT weekend!

Joe Bain

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