Monday, September 16, 2013

Council, Art, and Much More!

City Council meets this evening in regular session - here is that agenda.  Here are the Council Packets if you have an interest.  We should approve the budget and work on a few other items - should be a short meeting!

Lakeway City Hall Art gallery is featuring Jack Reed's pet portraits.  Here is a link to more information about the artist and showing.  Enjoy!

Last week the City of Lakeway was accused of violating the Open Meetings Act by two residents, Tiffany McMillan and James Nelson. They hired an attorney that sent an accusatory letter to the Mayor and City Council.  Here is the response by the city.  Unfortunately, the City is spending valuable time and tax dollars answering unfounded accusations.  More as it unfolds.

This year National Night Out will be observed on October 1st.  Here is a link with information on how to get involved with this important project!  

The Balcones Community Orchestra will perform Sunday, September 22 at the Lakeway Activity Center at 4:00 PM.  Here is a link to more information!

Lake Travis Elementary and Middle Schools provide designated law enforcement space at their properties and welcome officers to utilize this space as work areas - internet provided!  This program increases police visibility in all of these schools.

Play Golf?  The Hills of Lakeway Country Club benefiting 3 great charities! Our local charity this year is the Lake Travis Youth Association and our 2 national charities are MDA Augie’s Quest and the ClubCorp Employee Partners Care Foundation.  Here is a link to more information!

From Steve Jones:
Chief Court Clerk Ruth Sandoval reports, “This week the Municipal Court was busier than normal with three dockets.  One of the dockets was for the demolition hearings on the 15206 Mettle Drive and 111 Medalist homes.  The second one was our Spanish night docket with 18 defendants contesting their cases and the third one with 55 defendants.”  [Note: the demolition of the two houses was approved.  Since the defendants have thirty days to appeal the court’s decision, we must wait until that time expires before taking action.  We have a contractor ready to start work as soon as time expires.

Dale DeLong reported:

Several Pedestrian/Golf Cart Crossings were re-painted along Lakeway Drive.  New crossings were installed on Highlands Boulevard: one at the intersection of Rough Hollow and another at Tavish Trail.

Crack sealant was applied on Lohmans Crossing from Hurst Creek Rd to Lakeway Blvd, also on Lakeway Blvd from Lohmans Crossing to Lakeway Dr.

All of the new “No Thru Truck” signs have been installed at the following locations: Lohmans Crossing at 620, Lohmans Spur at 620, Lakeway Blvd at Lohmans Crossing (in front of the Texaco station) and Lakeway Blvd at The Hills Dr.  All remaining interior truck route signs will be removed today.

Chief Radford reports:

A 76-year-old male, visiting Lakeway, passed away at a rental house on Star drive Thursday night.  The man, who apparently died of natural causes related to long-term illness, was discovered by a close friend. 

LPD held a brief 9-11 ceremony at city hall on Wednesday morning.  Lake Travis Fire Rescue personnel and a deputy sheriff from the Travis County Sheriff’s office honor guard team joined us in the ceremony.  LPD was in possession of the US Honor Flag and used it during the ceremony.  The ceremony, and the use of the US Honor Flag, was a tribute to the military, police, and fire personnel who lost their lives on 9-11 and global conflicts since that horrible day.  

This week, Travis County Emergency Services District #6 (ESD) notified Austin/Travis County EMS that the district needs more space at their fire station on Lohmans Crossing and requested that EMS relocate the ambulance and crew that are currently stationed there.  In the months to come, I will be working with the ESD and EMS on a suitable alternative location that will continue to provide rapid response times for our residents.  

We referred the allegation of an open meetings violation to the city attorney who will respond to the plaintiff’s attorney.  Even though the allegation is absurd, we must properly respond to the records request contained in the letter. 
That's all I have for now, sorry it was so late - I was out of town and took a break!  

If you would like to be added to my email list, send a note requesting it to and I'll set you up!

Thanks for all the support!

Joe Bain

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