Friday, July 5, 2013

Early Edition July 4th Celebration!

This morning, the Parade was WONDERFUL!  Congratulations to the GRAND PRIZE winner float produced by the Lakeway Airpark!
A huge amount of work went into the production of this float and it was certainly the BEST in the parade!  They have certainly raised the bar! Congratulations to all the winners!
After the parade, the celebration continued with the Pageant of the Flags was held at the Activity Center where Mayor Dave DeOme, Grand Marshal Gerald Astorino, and District 25 Congressman Roger Williams spoke to the crowd.   There was patriotic music, dancing, a couple of cannon volley's and presentation of the United States flag and the Texas Flag were made by the Lakeway Police Color Guard in their NEW uniforms.  It was a wonderful event.  Thanks to the Wildflowers and Dottie's Follies for making the day even more fantastic!  Pictures courtesy Devin Monk!  Thanks Devin!

I'm told the swim party was well attended and everyone enjoyed the water!  It was a GREAT day for swimming!  The party moved over to the tented area for dancing and Duck Soup - the tent was full and the dance floor was crowded, everyone had a GREAT time.

I hope everyone had a GREAT July 4th and also hope you remember why we celebrate this date.  It is an important time in our past and was the start of the struggles we went through that gave us the freedoms we enjoy today.  Please reflect on the sacrifices that past and present warriors have made for our freedom and think of the reasons our country is so great today!

Happy 4th of July!  Be safe and enjoy the wonderful weather God has chosen to provide us this year.

More as I know it!

Joe Bain

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