Saturday, June 29, 2013

July 4th, Firewise, Police Academy and More!

The BIG event coming up is our July 4th Celebration!  It's going to be the BEST yet!  Here is a link to the day's schedule - I hope to see everyone at the events!  Be safe and have a good time!  

Lakeway became the 900th Firewise Community Wednesday and was awarded this honor at a Town Hall meeting in the City Hall!  Congratulations to all the hard work to get us there and the continued effort to keep our City safe from fire!  Here is a link to more information.  Here is a link to a video of the meeting.

Friday evening I attended the graduation ceremonies for the latest Citizen's Police Academy Class!  This was the largest class yet and 25 graduated.  The course is a great example of our Police being proactive with the community - look for the next class starting next year!

From Steve Jones:
A great deal of time was devoted this week to working on next year’s budget.  I met with each department head to go over their department’s projected needs.  We will compile the departmental input over the next few weeks and refine revenue projections for next year.  Early indications are that revenues will be up in most categories.

The Visitors Commission subcommittee received the last two presentations from advertising firms for the commission’s branding project.  We had five very good presentations over the past three weeks, and making a decision will not be easy.  The subcommittee will meet again Monday to attempt a final decision on which firm to recommend.

Dale DeLong reported that, “Wednesday afternoon we discovered a depression in the asphalt on Nautilus Drive at Lakeway Blvd.  We filled the depression with cold patch while we are waiting for a contractor to make repairs.  There is not a culvert in the area, so we are not sure what caused the failure.  We hope to determine the cause when we open it up.  Bermuda sod was placed at Chandon Lane, where our contractor installed a water valve during the recent culvert project, and plants have been added in the planters on the downstream headwall.  The installation of a handrail to replace the temporary green fence is scheduled for next week.”

Have a GREAT weekend and enjoy the July 4th festivities!  As always, if you would like to be added to my email list, send a request to

Thanks for all the support!

Joe Bain

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