Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer, July 4th, More City Business!

Seems like Summer is here for a while!  We have been blessed with some occasional rain this year, I can tell because our yard seems to be growing with great vigor and needs to be mowed more often - looks good though and glad for the bit of moisture!  No help for the Lake though - seems like it's going to take a major event to get some relief there.

I hope everyone is looking forward the the July 4th events this year - it's going to be a GREAT one!  The parade is shaping up to be one of the best (of course) and the City is working hard to make sure it all comes off perfectly.  Don't forget the Pageant of the Flags that will be held int he Activity Center directly following the parade - it will begin at 10:30 AM and will feature patriotic music and recitations along with a keynote address from our Grand Marshal, Gerry Astorino.

I'll try to have a full schedule posted for July 4th on the next blog - I know Andra has a good hour by hour list that she'll send me!

I reported on a boat fire in the blog before last - here is the picture again.  It has been brought to my attention that this was the Flagship Texas that was moored at the Lakeway Inn for many years!  It served as a car ferry to Jonestown from Graveyard Point before that - what a shame all this history was lost.  I personally attended many events on this boat and my Daughter was married on it many years ago (it rained that day).  It looks pretty much demolished, I hope they had insurance and will rebuild it!

Now for some City Business - Council results were on the Special Edition published the first of the week.  The City has been pretty busy since then and has met with Abercorn and Cardinal Hills Office Park met with City Staff to look at options for their development.  The "Town Center" development is gathering much attention - KVUE did an interview with Mayor DeOme this week.  One of the great advantages that looks possible is access from Lohmans - if the Lakeway MUD and the Developer can get together to make allowances for the road across MUD property.  Let's make that happen!

CBC will meet in regular session on June 27, 2013.  Here is that agenda.  Looks like another short business meeting and a lot of inspections.  Thanks to all those volunteers that help make Lakeway better - they spend countless hours because they value their community!

From Steve Jones:
Mayor DeOme and I attended a legislative briefing by the Texas Municipal League this week.  Few new laws were passed in the regular session that TML considers to be damaging to Texas cities.  Representative Workman’s bill that would have preempted city tree ordinances was not approved.  A couple of notable bills were passed.  One requires that approval or adoption of a budget be done by record vote.  The same bill prescribes that adopted budgets include a cover page listing the record vote and certain information about tax rates and revenues.  The other bill, more beneficial to cities, allows cities to sell real property through the services of a real estate broker if the property is listed for at least 30 days on a multiple-listing service.

The Board of Ethics met this week and finished its work on updating the city’s ethics ordinance.  Board Chairman Dick Drury will be out of town for the July city council meeting, so he plans to present the revised ordinance to the council at the August meeting.

We currently prohibit thru-trucks on Lakeway Boulevard between RR 620 and Lohmans Crossing.  City staff is working with the city attorney to develop an ordinance that will keep thru-trucks off Lohmans Crossing and the remainder of Lakeway Boulevard.  We hope to have a draft ready for council consideration at the July meeting.

We are also putting the final touches on an ordinance regulating activities at Lakeway Airpark.  Currently, airpark regulations are located in the zoning ordinance.  However, the police department needs a separate ordinance in order to enforce airpark rules effectively.  We also plan to bring that ordinance to you for consideration in July.

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Chessie Zimmerman for working multiple jobs since Finance Director July Oakley left.  In addition to her normal duties, Chessie has been assisting the finance office with routine issues and working closely with them to draft next year’s budget.  Thank you, Chessie, for taking on the additional workload and keeping the city’s finances in order!

Chief Radford reports:
Juveniles committed criminal mischief at a house on Comet Drive.  Patrol officers identified the suspects by reviewing video from Randall’s and following up with the school to identify the suspects.

During the week, officers made two arrests for possession of marijuana and one arrest for minor in possession of alcohol.  Additionally, police officers handled two mental health calls resulting in emergency commitments at LRMC.

Motorcycle officers wrote five citations on Lakeway Boulevard this week for violations of the heavy truck ordinance.
Don't forget "Dinner With the Chief" at Rocco's Sunday evening - it will support getting a canine for use by our Police Department!  Here is a link to more info - you can still by tickets at the Police Station!

Thanks for LOOKING!  More on the 4th festivities soon and anything else as it happens!

Joe Bain

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