Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Special Edition - Emergency Session of Council, Early Voting

Good Morning!  Today at 10:30AM, City Council will meet in Emergency Session to discuss and authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract to repair and replace the road structure on Lakeway Blvd.  that is failing where it crosses Hurst Creek.

Here is the agenda for that meeting.

Also, yesterday marked the start of early voting in the current election cycle.  Please consider going to the polls and voting to continue the 1/4 percent city road tax!  The repairs to Lakeway Blvd. are a good example of where this money is spent.  This sales tax is critical to the City's ability to keep our roads safe without an increase in property tax.  Remember, everyone that pays sales tax in the City limits supports the roads, not just the citizens!

Thanks for your support!

Joe Bain

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