Saturday, March 2, 2013

LCC Awards, Council Election, Farmers Market, and More!

First on the list - the Lakeway Civic Corp. had their annual meeting Thursday evening at the Activity Center.  This is an annual event, free to members with dinner and beverages.  The LCC was started early in Lakeway's development to support worthwhile endeavors in Lakeway.  It is funded by a $200 fee for every lot sold.  Here is a list of their contributions to the community since 1972!

New Board Members Britt Dawson and Glenn Ballard were officially seated at this function.  Congratulations!

Awards were also presented to 3 citizens for their contributions to the City.  Congratulations to Gordon Hurd (right) and Dorothy Chidsey (left) who were awarded Meritorious Service Awards.  They continue to work organizing and finding volunteers to man the welcome desk at City Hall.  Both have been and continue to work tirelessly to make our City better.  Outstanding Citizen of the Year was awarded to Dave Benson (center) for his many contributions over the years - Thanks Dave!

Friday at 5:00PM marked the end of the sign up period to run for election to Mayor and Council positions in the City of Lakeway.  Dave DeOme, Mayor is up for re-election along with three seats on the Council.  Mayor DeOme was the only candidate that signed up for the Mayor's position and three candidates, Phil Brown (currently on ZAPCO, Jim Powell (currently on City Building Commission and myself) so there is will be no contested election this year.  Congratulations to the new Council Members, Jim and Phil, I look forward to working with you in the future!

It appears our Farmer's Market has found greener pastures and is moving to Lowe's in the Galleria.

Here is Andra Dearing's Parks & Recreation report.  Lot's going on!  Thanks Andra!

Westlake restaurant The Grove and coffee bar Lola Savannah's will be taking over the Mizu building on 620 in Lakeway. Looks like they will be open in July - construction has already started.

Austin City Council held a special meeting Friday to consider a settlement with HURF on Austin Electric's utility rates.  It appears a settlement was reached that will give a discount to 50,000 customers outside Austin City limits.  HURF will drop their rated dispute.

From Steve Jones:
Staff is drafting a new airpark safety regulations ordinance.  The primary goal is to create a separate “airpark safety” ordinance to facilitate enforcement by the police department.  Land use regulations, which are enforced by code enforcement, will remain in the zoning ordinance.  Operational regulations, which are enforced by the police, will be moved to the new ordinance.  We hope to have the ordinance ready for council consideration in the next two months.

We engaged O’Brien Engineering Services to survey and recommend options for the proposed connection of the two sections of the East Lakeway Boulevard hike-and-bike trail.  When the study is complete, we will begin design plans and specifications for the connecting trail.

Chief Court Clerk Ruth Sandoval reports, “Tomorrow is the Warrant Round-up.  We will start at 8:00 am.  Four officers have volunteered to conduct the round-up, and Judge Madison will come at 10:00 am to magistrate defendants.”

Public Works Director Dale Delong reports:

Monday’s high winds left us with several downed limbs throughout the city as well as a few downed trees.  The majority of the damage was to cedar trees on the Lakeway Boulevard median.  The winds also caused minor damage to a number of street signs and snapped a rope on a flagpole at Lohmans and 620. 

A crew cleaned up the area on Lohmans Crossing between The Hills and Tuscan Village by removing several salt cedars and cutting the tall grass. 

Paul Duncan and I had a pre-construction meeting for the Lohmans Crossing overlay project with Travis County and Austin Traffic and Signal on Tuesday.  Travis County will place digital information signs out on Thursday of next week prior to the overlay.  Austin Traffic Signal will replace the traffic sensor loops during the night to minimize the impact on motorists.  We will have more information on the exact timeline when Ramming Paving sends out a schedule next Wednesday.

Chief Radford reported:

LPD personnel attended the Traffic Safety Summit at APD headquarters.  We also have an opportunity to participate in upcoming region-wide traffic safety initiatives.  An invitation was also extended to have our personnel ride out with Austin DWI units for further training opportunities.

The windstorm that came through earlier this week caused the traffic lights at Aria and RR 620 to fail.  During the storm, one of the signal heads came loose from the standard and fell onto the street.  Since we had traffic blocked off on that lane, no injuries occurred.  Officers directed traffic at the intersection for several hours until TxDot arrived and repaired the fixture and light.

LPD Personnel were involved in a lock down drill with Lake Travis Elementary.  The principal thanked us for our participation and requested further training/assistance.  We look forward to working with the district on any needs that they might have in the future.

LPD Personnel spoke with the Mayor of Briarcliff about several topics, one being the best practices certification.  We let them know that we were ready to assist them with any needs that they may have in the near future.

Wendy Kanzenbach attended Threat Liaison Officer Training at the Fusion Center.  We are looking to get more involved in this process to gather more intelligence for our community crime response efforts.

Our fitness program is going well, and even our admin personnel are participating.  The sworn personnel, according to our department standard, are at an average of 67%, the standard is 30%.

We arrested a subject for theft of golf carts.  He owned a business here and was fixing golf carts and not returning them.

Julie Oakley reports: “The Finance Department has been taking care of the routine tasks of accounting for month end, payroll, and the usual bill paying.  The Solid Waste Department is gearing up for the implementation of the new recycling program by preparing the flyer, which will be mailed to residents next week.  A larger, poster size version of the flyer will be displayed in City buildings.” 


Thank you for all your support - it looks like I'll be doing this a couple more years!  More as I find out!

Joe Bain

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