Sunday, March 10, 2013

Another Week, Rain ++

Here goes, another week is gone!  Don't forget, set your clocks ahead one hour for daylight savings time!  Don't be late!

We got some much needed rain last night!  My rain gauge showed about 1.5 inches!  It was more than many surrounding areas which is highly unusual.  It certainly is welcome!

The newspaper and some other blogs are reporting that Lakeway will have no election this year.  While partially correct, and there are no contested Mayoral or Council seats, the quarter percent street repair sales tax will be on the ballot.  This is required by state law every 4 years.  The money collected with this tax is used to repair and maintain our Lakeway streets - please go to the polls and vote yes to keep this tax in effect!

The Lakeway 50th Anniversary flag prices are 4X6 - $65 and 5X8 - $90.  Call Lacie at 314-7516 for more information or to order!

There was a deceased person found at the Hampton Inn on Tuesday - it appears the death was from natural causes.

There was also a suspected suicide in East Lakeway Thursday.

The Lakeway MUD will meet in regular session Wednesday March 13th.  Here is that agenda

CBC will meet in regular session on Thursday, 3-14-2013.  Here is that agenda.

From Chessie Zimmerman:

This afternoon marks the beginning of spring break for secondary school students, and the beginning of the main SXSW activities, so be aware of kids and drunken partygoers on the road over the next week. 

Mayor DeOme, Councilman Bain, Steve Jones and I attended the appeals court hearing for the Cokins’ lawsuit regarding annexation on Wednesday of this week.  Both sides were allowed 20 minutes to present oral arguments in front of a three-member panel of judges.  There’s no indication of how the Court will rule, or when, so we are back to waiting again.

Staff members attended a couple different meetings regarding planned and possible development in Lakeway Medical Village.  Plans for the assisted living center are nearing approval, and some preparation has begun on that site, adjacent to the parking lot on the south side of the hospital. 

Dale DeLong reports that Public Works employees cleaned out the mouths of 3- 48” culverts that  run under the road at 108 Top o’ the Lake. Hopefully this will allow the upstream pond to flow better. PW staff also performed routine maintenance, and prepared for next week’s overlay work on Lohmans Crossing.

Troy Anderson reports that this week the city issued a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for the new Service King on Ranch Road 620.  Some of you may have noticed the large vent-stacks atop the service center.  After discovering that the height of these stacks are determined by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the city has required that they be painted to match the roof, in accordance with the building code, and have issued the TCO.  On Wednesday, the Zoning and Planning Commission approved two new signs.  One is for a new mercantile operation in Lakeway Town Center to be known as Gold & Silver Buyers, and the second is actually a conversion of an existing freestanding/monument sign to a multitenant sign for VDGE, H&R Block and A Locksmith, on RR 620.  Also this week, BDS sent notices to owners of interest for abatement of unsafe structures located at 15206 Mettle and 111 Medalist.

Chief Radford reported several drug arrests including methamphetamine and marijuana.  Most subjects had previous arrest records.

A vehicle struck the Lakeway monument at Lohman's and RR 620 and left the scene - no suspect at this time.

There was also a DWI arrest made last week (subjects 2nd) and the subject also had 3 guns in the car.
 In area news, you might have noticed all the construction across from the Falconhead entrance on 620.   This will be a 228 multi-famly (Apartments)  and associated Clubhouse for Residential use.  More traffic for 620.....

More soon!

Joe Bain

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