Monday, February 25, 2013

Council Results and More

Council met in regular session Tuesday evening and here is that agenda.  Council Member DeeAnn Burns presented the 50th Anniversary Flag to the City - it looks wonderful!  They will be available for order soon - I will publish prices and ordering info as soon as I get it.

Other agenda items of note - the general election ordinance was passed allowing election of 3 Council Members and Mayor.  A Special Election ordinance was passed to reauthorize the road maintenance sales tax - this tax is currently in effect as part of the normal sales tax we pay in the City.  The State requires it be reauthorized every 4 years.

The Interlocal agreements with Travis county on the construction of Flint Rock Road and Bee Creek Road were both passed unanimously.  It looks like it will be about a year before construction finally starts on this project.

A code amendment was passed to regulate heavy trucks on Lakway Blvd. between 620 and Lohmans.  No trucks over 15,000 pounds will be allowed on this section of the Blvd. once signage is in place.  This will no affect deliveries to that area.

A Special Use Permit for a drive through for Schlotzky's at 1206 620 North.  The design looks good and should not have a detrimental affect on traffic in the area.

At the same time Council was meeting Tuesday,  there was a fire at the Lakeway Resort - luckily it was just a small fire in one of the laundry rooms and was put out by resort staff before the Fire Department arrived.  There were no injuries and limited damage.

The CBC (City Building Commission) will meet in regular session Thursday at 9:00AM.  Here is that agenda.

Parks and Rec Director Andra Dearing and her group have been busy once again.  Her is her report!  Thanks Andra!

From Steve Jones:
The Board of Ethics met last week to review the draft of a new code of ethics.  There is still some work to be done, but the Board is happy with the draft and will continue working with language until their next meeting on March 20.

 We are advertising for proposals for a branding project that was initiated by the Lakeway Visitors Commission.  A committee of the commission will meet soon to receive and evaluate the responses.

You may have noticed that it can be difficult to get into and out of the new library.  In most cases, it requires a U-turn on Lohmans Crossing.  Chessie Zimmerman spoke with the developer of Tuscan Village this week, and he agreed to install a temporary road between the library and the entrance to Tuscan Village that will eliminate the need for U-turns.

Chessie also reports that, “The city is reviewing construction plans for a new assisted living center to be located near LRMC.  Staff anticipates issuing a site development permit within the next three to four weeks.  Also, BDS issued a site development permit for the new LTISD middle school on Bee Creek Road.”

Chief Radford reports, “We passed our DPS-Criminal Justice Information Security audit for dispatch centers.  This is a yearly audit to ensure that we are handling, processing and distributing sensitive information per rule, policy, and law.  Our initial indication from DPS is that this is our best audit yet.  Congratulations to the staff for being prepared and having our new center ready for inspection.  We hosted training for the regional area officers regarding Identity theft.  The class was full, and the instruction was excellent.  We continue to improve the interior of the justice center building by changing out the carpet and painting in the upstairs areas; both on the PD side and the court side of the building.  The Alumni Association has built the interior organizer boxes for our Tahoes and installed them last night…a big thank you to them!  Finally, Officer Gauvin and Officer Taylor have completed their FTO program and are on their own.”

Troy Anderson reported, “This week we welcomed our new Plans Examiner Alex Damgaard.  Alex has acclimated quickly, performing plan reviews for compliance with the City Building Codes almost immediately after orientation.  Alex is a welcomed asset to the department.  Also, this week, staff was blessed with the opportunity to speak at the Rough Hollow Quarterly Stakeholders meeting.  We were able to engage in a brief meet and greet as we continue to foster relationships with developers, builders, and residents of the community and communicate department goals and objectives for the 2013 calendar year.”
We are under a Red Flag warning until this evening.  This means we will have gusty winds and low humidity and fire danger is high - so be careful with fires!

That's all for now - more later in the week!  Have a wonderful day!

Joe Bain

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