Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's News!

Well, it's a New Year - I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season!  I'm looking forward to getting back to normal.

I've been a little lax getting the blog out in December and my New Year's resolution is to get back to it!  So here goes:

Looks like Mizu closed for good after New Years.  Surprising since there was a complete remodel after their fire - they had just been reopened for about 6 months when they called it quits.

You might have noticed that work has started on the median trail on Lakeway Blvd. towards RR 620.  Looks like it will be a nice addition to the existing system and should be finished in a week or two.  Thanks Andra!  For more information here is a link to an article in the Statesman.

The police were busy around Christmas, there were two instances of attempted suicide, a party with juveniles where adults were arrested for furnishing alcohol, a DUI arrest and one possession of drug paraphernalia.  They are working hard to keep us safe.

The Holiday Inn is approaching completion and should get their Temporary Certificate of Occupancy sometime this month.  Work is going on on another project, Crosswater Yacht Club - they are doing some concrete pours for parking areas.

Mayor DeOme did an interview with KVUE last week on Lake Travis and the continuing drought issues in the area.  It was televised last week also.  As a follow up, there was an article in the Statesman today and apparently LCRA has changed their views on sending water to the rice farmers this year.  The LCRA will consider a resolution next Tuesday (here is a link) increasing the trigger point from 775,000 acre-feet to 850,000 acre-feet.  Here is a press link about the meeting.

From Steve Jones:

Public Works Director David Ferry has announced that he plan s to retire at the end of this month.  David has been an asset to Lakeway for more than 13 years and will be missed!

Chief Radford reports that Officers were engaged in a short pursuit with a motorist who eventually stopped and was subsequently arrested of evading arrest and possession of drug paraphernalia.  Two more cases of attempted suicide have also occurred totaling four in the last few weeks.  We have assisted the hospital a few times with patients  aggressive toward staff - subjects were treated and then arrested on drug offenses.

Interesting news in Bee Cave.  Seems Covert Buick (along with others apparently) wants to open a dealership on Hwy. 71 in the Bee Cave ETJ.  Since it is not within the City Limits, they are limited on their control.  Since their population is less than 5,000, they are not qualified to become a "Home Rule City" and have very limited annexation capabilities.  More on that soon!

That's all for now!  Hope everyone has a wonderful and prosperous New Year!

Joe Bain

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