Monday, January 7, 2013

Breaking News + This Week!

 First - there was an accident at 1202 Lakeway Dr. about noon today in front of Hamilton Financial Planning.  A driver hit the gas instead of the brakes and wound up on the front porch of the building.  It appears the driver was not injured and refused transport to the hospital.  Very little damage was done to the building, however as you can see in the pictures there was quite a bit of damage to the car.  Click on the pictures to see them full size!

The Mayor, City Manager, Alan Tye and myself will be attending the Special Meeting of the LCRA tomorrow - I will try to post the outcome of their vote on water restrictions for the downstream rice farmers.

ZAPCO will meet Wednesday this week at 9:10 AM in Council Chambers.  Here is that agenda.

CBC will also meet in regular session this week on Thursday.  Here is that agenda!

Both appear to be full of interesting items and will probably last a while!  Be sure to check out the "What's Happening" link at the top right.  It will give you an idea of things going on in Lakeway - including special activities.

Joe Bain

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