Sunday, December 16, 2012

Lakeway News - Enjoy!

Here's the latest - another Sunday Update!

There was a house fire at 2002 Lakeway Blvd. about 6:30 in the evening last Thursday.  Thankfully, no one was home and there were no injuries.  The house sustained significant damage - the fire was mostly in the attic and roof - possibly a vent fan started the fire.

In case you haven't noticed, we have a new Texaco where the Exxon used to be at the corner of Lakeway Blvd. and Lohman's.  It looks like business is brisk and we wish the new owners luck in their endeavor - go by and check it out - buy some gas!

Council Member Alan Tye has been working hard with others to have changes made to the LCRA's decision to send water down to the rice farmers again in 2013.  Attached is a letter from Senators Fraiser and Watson to the LCRA in an attempt to get them to reconsider their decision to "water down" the Emergency Order.  Here is that letter.  Our water is at risk and we need to all pull together to get the LCRA to look at Lake Travis as more than a bucket to store water in!

Be aware that Lakeway has a solicitation ordinance.  If door to door salesmen come to your door they should have a visible ID, a permit, and should not come to anyone's home that is on the "no solicitation" list.  If you are bothered, call the police and they will take care of it.

The Lakeway Sing Alongs did a "Flash Mob" at the Dillards at the Galleria about a week ago.  Here is a link to the youtube video!  Enjoy!

Council will meet in regular session Monday evening.  Here is a link to that agendaHere is a link to the backup documents that the members receive

From Steve Jones:

The Visitors Commission met this week, and among other things, finalized their budget.

Mayor DeOme and I attended this year’s economic forecast presented by Angelou Economics of Austin.  Angelou is bullish on the national, state, and local economies.  He foresees continued growth in our area’s manufacturing, commercial, retail, and real estate markets, and he still sees the Austin area as a highly desirable location for all types of businesses.  Angelou expects significant economic impact from the Circuit of the Americas racetrack, the newly approved medical school and hospital, and new and expanding manufacturing facilities in the Austin area.

Julie Oakley reported that the auditors were at City Hall Monday through Thursday and completed their transaction testing phase of the audit.  They did a thorough review and tested transactions relating to all significant balance sheet and income statement items.  The next phase of work will be the preparation of the annual financial statements.

 Troy Anderson (Director of Building and Development) reports they are working with LRMC on their plan for an assisted living center.  It appears there will be some changes in the way the City handles some zoning variances and this will be brought to Council after the first of the year.

The Police Foundation Christmas Gala sold out for the third year in a row.  The evening was spent celebrating the achievements of the police department and raising money for the foundation - it was  GREAT evening!

That's all for today!  Hope you all have a GREAT week!

Joe Bain

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