Saturday, January 19, 2013

What's Upcoming and Last Week!

First let's talk about what's upcoming this week!

Council meets on Tuesday January 22 in Council Chambers at 6:30.  Here is the agenda.  I apologize, I will be out of town and unable to attend.  It doesn't look like there is anything earth shaking on the agenda and I will report the results.

CBC will meet on Thursday, January 24 at 9 AM.  Here is that agenda.  Looks like another busy day for them!

The Activity Center will be sponsoring the Annual Membership Appreciation Breakfast on Saturday, January 26th. This is a free event for Lakeway Activity Center members with two seatings at 8:00am and 9:15am. Please call the Lakeway Activity Center at 512-261-1010 and RSVP with the time you plan to attend. 
This is a community family favorite event and over 300 members regularly attend.  Randy Dennis from ‘Duck Soup’ will provide piano accompaniment. The pancake breakfast will be prepared by the Mayor, Council Members, and the City Manager. This year, this event will be the official kick-off to the 50th Anniversary of Lakeway!

If you have not renewed your membership, you can do so easily by calling us at 512-261-1010 and charging your fee over the phone on your MasterCard, Visa or American Express.  Membership is $15 for Lakeway residents and $70 for Non-Residents (per entire household per calendar year)  Membership supports our free events like the Brown Bag Concert Series, Movies in the Parks, Big Band Bash, Eggstravaganza, Goblin Glow, Lights On and more!  Members also get discounts on classes, early notification and sign up on special events as well as many other perks.  To inquire on becoming a member, call us at 261-1010.
 This week was eventful!  Lakeway Police responded to a report of a man with a gun at Lake Travis Elementary - officers were on the scene within 2 minutes of the call.  A complete search was completed and no threats were found.  This event went very smoothly, mostly due to the training and planning done by LTISD and law enforcement following the 2011 lock down event.  An investigation is ongoing at this time.

There was a dispatch to a residence on Seawind for suspicious circumstances.  A juvenile reported hearing male voices outside her window and the father went outside to investigate and saw no one.  The mother also reported a suspicious car driving around when the school bus was picking up the children.  This investigation is also ongoing.

There was also a burglary reported and investigated on Camino Arbo Lago - a home was broken into and a Lexus was stolen from the garage.  The residents were out of town at the time.  The Lexus was recovered in Georgetown.

Troy Anderson reports that we issued a temporary certificate of occupancy for the Lake Travis Community Library.  We congratulate their success!

Dale DeLong reports that road repairs were completed on Lohmans Crossing in preparation for the overlay scheduled in March.  Preparations are being made to install radar speed limit signs that have been purchased by the Police Department. 

From Steve Jones:
I spoke this week at the Lake Travis Chamber of Commerce’s semiannual economic forecast luncheon.  

On Monday, Mayor DeOme and Chessie met with developers who are interested in doing a project on the Tracy and Kahn tracts.  They propose a retail center with two anchor tenants.  There will be more on this as plans progress. 

Andra Dearing and her department have been at work again!  Here is the latest report on their accomplishments.

Lakeway’s Wildfire Steering Committee is organizing a fuel reduction workday in Sailfish Park, west of the Lakeway Resort and Spa.  This is the first in a continuing effort to keep Lakeway homes safe from wildfires such as those which occurred in Bastrop, Spicewood and Steiner ranch.   Neighbors and volunteers are needed to drag out dead wood, cut flammable shrubs and trim low-hanging branches. The workday will run from 8:30 to 12:30, followed by lunch.  Park in the 100 block of Lakeway Drive at the small city park and walk back ½ block to the Sailfish Park entrance across from 138 Sailfish.  For more information, visit or call the Lakeway Forester’s office at (512) 608-9722. 


Area info - Springhill restaurant is closing in the next 60 days to allow for new commercial construction on the site.

There are some plans for a new commercial center on Hwy 71 where the current "Revival" is  located.

The property across from Springhill has a developer interested in building 300+ apartments and a large commercial area also - this was not looked on with much favor by the Bee Cave Planning and Zoning commission - we shall see where this goes.

Covert rumors on 71 are still going on - I have heard they are close to breaking ground for the dealership - just rumors though.

That's all for now - have a GREAT weekend - it looks like it will be BEAUTIFUL!

Tell your friends!

Joe Bain

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