Sunday, January 27, 2013

Last Week at a Glance!

Tuesday night Council met in regular session - here is that agenda.

On Item 5 Council voted to issue an RFQ to determine costs and requirements for civil engineering. 

Activity Center Personnel will look into an expansion of hours for use by members.

Use of Capital Reserve fund was approved for use on repairing / replacing culvert issues on Rolling Green Rd.

Reallocating funds within the Development and Services Department of $8,500 was approved.

Resolution was adopted to institute a resolution providing for recycling solid waste services.
From Chessie Zimmerman

Most of the staff have made it through the seasonal flu epidemic and are back at work!

Remodeling of the dispatch center is 95% complete - the area is much more efficient and the workspace reflects a dramatic improvement.  A special “Thank you” to council and city management for funding this project, as well as our Bee Cave partners for their contribution. We are a joint dispatch center for Lakeway and the City of Bee Cave.

Dale DeLong worked with Captain David Crowder to install one of our new traffic/radar signs on Lakeway Blvd. It is not a permanent sign and is meant to be moved around the city. We will be looking for other locations for our second sign, once we see how this unit fares.

From Troy Anderson

It’s been an exciting week.  We’ve been busy trying to fill vacant positions.  Following Tuesday night’s Council meeting, we were able to post for the revamped Plans Examiner position.  We’ve already seen applications trickle in.  Wednesday was jam packed with interviews for the other three vacant positions which I can gladly say we’ve been able to fill since.  Our new Permit Technician and our new Office Manager will start on Monday and our new Code Enforcement Officer will start on February 11th.  Otherwise it’s been business as usual.  We had a light Building Commission agenda with only a few variance requests and a handful of Certificate of Occupancy inspections.  Internally we are working closely with Tyler Technologies on trying to improve our functionality of our enterprise application.  We’re hope to drastically improve on the time invested by staff on neighbor notification.  As always, I can’t say thanks enough for all the extra effort everyone has put in while we are shorthanded.

Donna Boyle is making progress with her recovery - we wish her God's Speed on her recovery!

There was a follow up meeting with a possible developer for the Wunneburger / Glen Heather area.  More on that as it develops.

Here is Andra Dearing's weekly report - Thanks!

That's all for now - Have a GREAT week and I'll have more info next week!

Joe Bain

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