Saturday, September 1, 2012

City Update ++

First, congratulations to the Lake Travis Cavs on their 47 to 13 victory over Converse Judson!  It looks like they will do just fine in 5A!

Now for the City News!  ZAPCO will meet next week Wednesday, September 5th at 9:10AM.  Here is the "DRAFT" agenda.  It looks like a full morning!

You might have noticed the new landscaping at Lakeway Blvd. and RR 620 is having a little issue with nutgrass.  It should be better soon, Parks and Rec is working diligently to eradicate the weeds.

The flags were all at half-mast Friday to honor Neil Armstrong's passing.  He was a great American and certainly will be missed.

School started last Monday so that means a couple of things.  The school zones are in operation to keep our kids safe and the police are out watching them, so be careful - remember, our children ARE our future!  It also means the traffic load has increased on and around all the schools.  620 of course is especially affected.  I understand there were four accidents around school start time in the City.  If traveling during the beginning or end of school, please leave plenty of time to travel and be safe!

Hopefully all of you are taking precautions against mosquito bites in the area - Public Works is working hard to treat all stagnant water and breeding grounds in the City.  Please check around your home for any standing water and either treat it or dispose of it.  Wear your repellent when outdoors just in case!

LCRA is currently in a contract dispute with some of their customers.  Here is a press release from Becky Motal, LCRA General Manager.

From Steve Jones:

We received good news in the Cummins lawsuit (Fox Creek Estates Subdivision).  After reviewing documents provided by the City they determined there was no wrongdoing on the part of the City.

The City filed an application with the Texas Historical Commission this week for a historical marker for the Liebelt Cabin here at City Hall.  If we are successful the marker should be in place early next year.

According to RealtyTrac, Lakeway has 14 homes in foreclosure and 3 are scheduled for auction.  The City tracks this so Code Enforcement can be sure these properties are properly maintained.

The Police Department is in hiring mode and has made a conditional offer to one applicant and has had interviews with nine others.  All current applicants have good experience and we expect more offers will go out as we move further through the process.

Detective Mike Pribble, through some good police work, has gotten convictions against two individuals for trespassing in our swim and skate center.  Patrol arrested an individual on local warrants from a traffic stop and seized more than a pound of marijuana and over $4000 in cash.  GOOD job!

The Police are also looking into new surveillance cameras that would be installed at some major intersections in our community.  More on that as it happens.

Here is a report from Public Works on their current activities.

Council Member Taylor and City Staff met with representatives of the Arts and Beautification Committee Thursday.  The role and responsibilities of the committee were discussed  and it was decided the committee will now focus on the "Arts" function.  The committee will now be referred to as simply the Arts Committee.

That's all for today!  I hope all of you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!  Please be safe and enjoy the sunshine!

Joe Bain

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