Saturday, August 18, 2012

West Nile Update, Weeks News

First lets get the real facts on the West Nile Virus scare.  It turns out it was a little late and there was some miss information sent out through some emails.  Here's the straight scoop:

A long time resident and city volunteer recently went into the hospital with bleeding ulcers and intestinal issues.  When a blood test was done, they found out he had previously had West Nile Virus - his wife said he was ill with the virus late June, early July.  He is now in Longhorn Village hospital recovering from his intestinal issues.

No one knows where he contracted the disease - he is active around the new library project, walks the dog in Hamilton Greenbelt and is generally active in and outside of Lakeway, so the implication that it came from the golf course is just an assumption.

The City has been treating any standing water or possible breeding sites for some time now.  We have contacted the golf course to be sure they are doing the same.  PLEASE police your property and be sure there is no standing water or any other places for mosquito larvae to live.  Bird baths, pot plants and any other area with water or mulch that stays moist are perfect places.  Thank you for your help!
City Council will meet Monday in regular session - here is that agendaHere is a link to the data in Council Members binders and staff reports we will be looking at.  Several items of interest.

(5) The City will consider an ordinance calling a Bond Election on November 6th (election day).  This bond would be used to pay the City's portion of the reconstruction of Flint Rock Road.  Cost to the taxpayers in Lakeway will be less than $0.0075 per $100 evaluation - this is a GREAT deal and the Travis County Bond that was passed earlier will pick up the rest of the costs.  If our Bond does not pass, the moneys slated for the project will go to other parts of the County.
 (6)  Sale of a piece of City property to an adjacent homeowner - this is a small piece of property normally underwater.  Other pieces of this property were sold to other homeowners in 2002 and for some reason this one was not purchased at the time.
(8) Item 8 has been withdrawn and will be considered at a later time.

You can also watch the Council proceedings via live streaming tv.  Here is a link.

The City Building Commission will meet in regular session on August 23 in Council chambers - here is that agenda.

Parks and Rec. has been busy this Summer.  Here is a "Summer" report from Director Andra Dearing with the latest updates!  Thanks Andra!

I spent part of Friday in a couple of meetings with developers that want to build apartments on part of the Neiman tract on 620.  With density and congestion issues I do not look favorably on this type of development, especially in that area and told the representatives that.  We'll see where that goes!

That's all for now - more soon!  Thanks for looking!  Please tell your friends about the blog if you like it, tell me if you don't!

Joe Bain

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