Saturday, August 25, 2012

Another Week, New Stuff!

Another week has passed and here is the new news! 

The West Nile excitement has somewhat slowed down - know that the City and Golf Courses are treating all suspect areas.  Wear your insect repellent (with deet) and be sure you don't have any pots, pans or plants with standing water that could support mosquito larvae in your yard - let's keep Lakeway safe!

Another theft was reported in Lakeway last week on Morning Cloud.  It appears a truck with a new rifle and ammunition along with a radar detector in plain sight was broken into.  A neighbors car that was unlocked was gone through but nothing of value was taken.  Young adults from the area are suspected of the crime.  We need to help ourselves folks, please lock your cars and don't leave items of value in plain sight - it is a tremendous temptation for those bored and looking for trouble!

On another Police report, as LPD attempted to serve a warrant on an area resident, she attempted to escape and rammed a Detective's car and there was a short vehicle pursuit that ended near Iguana Grill where she then fled on foot.  She was apprehended shortly after near the lake.  No Officers were injured and damage to the vehicle was minimal.   Congratulations to Lakeway on a job well done!

There will be another "Take Back Unwanted Prescription Drugs" effort on September 29 from 10 till 2 at the Justice Center.  Here is a link to more informationHere is a link to subscribe to the City's news services!

There will be another budget work session for the Council on Monday, August 27th at 2PM.  Here is that agenda.  This years budget is almost done - it appears we will have a tax reduction - due primarily to the efforts of staff and increased tax revenues from sales tax and some property tax increases.  Thanks to all the staff that continue to work hard to keep expenses down!

School starts Monday!  Lakeway Police will be watching school zones and area roads to insure the safety of our kids!  Be sure to watch your speed in school zones and don't forget there is a large fine for using cell phones in the school zones also!  Please help us keep the school kids safe!

 From Steve Jones:
Sales tax collections continue to grow!  We are 2.8% ahead of the same period last year per data from the Texas Comptroller.  Year to date the revenue is up 9.1% over last year.

Here is a link to a report from the Public Works Department showing some of their projects from the past week or so

Texas Gas Service is still interested in providing natural gas to the new Serene Hills subdivision.  Staff is working to draft a franchise agreement for this service.  Unfortunately, they don't appear interested in service to other parts of Lakeway.

Sunday will be the last day for he leisure pool to be open to the public and will close for the off season after that.

Please be careful out there - lock your cars, put valuable items out of sight, lock you doors at home! 

If you enjoy the blog, please tell your friends!

Joe Bain

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