Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weeks News

Council met in regular session Monday night - I was out of town and was not able to attend - here is that agenda, as you can see, it was a short one!

Item 6 was a resolution authorizing a contribution of up to $8000 to the Lakeway Civic Corporation for legal fees to defend themselves in the lawsuit George Blume filed against the City of Lakeway and the LCC that involves the possible sale of Rebel and Sailfish parks.

Mr. Blume included LCC in the lawsuit although they had no part in the City's special election to sell part of the parkland to owners around it.  The citizens decided against the possible sale, partly because of information Mr. Blume sent to residents.  Although the voters turned down the proposition, Mr. Blume filed the lawsuit anyway and the City and LCC are forced to spend money and time defending themselves.

The resolution was passed unanimously to give funds to LCC to be used in their defense.

The rest of the agenda was simply general housekeeping and informational presentations.

Last week the big news was a series of burgularies around the West side of the Airpark and in the Hills of Lakeway.   Most of the events were on autos and hangars that were unlocked.  Here is a flyer with additional information.  Please lock your cars and homes, the Lakeway Police are doing everything possible to find and arrest the criminals responsible for the burgularies.

On a side note, I have received several questions about the "no solicit list" that Lakeway has established.  Apparently solicitors are not following guidelines on the list and the police are not in the loop either.  I will be talking with the City Manager to try to get this working better in the next few days.  Until then, if someone comes to your door and you are on the "no solicit list" please ask them for their identification and notify the City.  We will get their permits pulled.  Here is a link to the "No Solicit List"

CBC meets on Thursday next week, here is that agenda.


From Steve Jones:

The recent rains held up work on our entry sigh at Lohmans Crossing and RR 620.  Work continued on Thursday and Friday and should be nearly complete.

Andra Dearing will be looking at ideas for Lohmans Crossing and Sailmaster to see what can be done to dress up that intersection.  More on that as I find out.

The subdivision construction of Serene Hills, Section 2-E was approved this week and new plans are starting to come in.  There is about 70 single family lots in this section.

There has been much concern about the site of the proposed Household Waste Collection facility on Stewart road.  The project will be put on hold  and we will evaluate other locations.  We will probably forfeit grant money because of the delay - maybe we can get another one in the future.

City staff met with HEB this week about a store on RR620 at Clara Van road.   They like this location but the size and price of the property  make it challenging.  Nothing in the short term is expected to happen here.

That's all I have for now - more soon!

Joe Bain

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