Saturday, July 14, 2012

Slow Week! That's GOOD news!

The bad news this week was there was a rash of thefts along the West side of the airport and in the World of Tennis.  Items from several vehicles and a couple of hangars were stolen.  It appears all of the vehicles and hangars were NOT locked.  Thieves just opened the door and took items.  The moral of this story is to LOCK your vehicles and homes!!!!!

Next Monday night Council will meet in regular session.  It is a very light evening.  Here is that agenda.  If you would like to see the information in the Council packets, here is a link to that!

There will be another blood drive on Saturday, July 21, 2012.  Please call Searcy at 512-799-5714 to make an appointment!

Seattle based Dow Hotel Co. backed by Carlyle Realty Partners VI bought the Lakeway Resort and Spa at July 3rd's foreclosure auction and now owns the property.  No price was given, I expect it was far below the $21 million note. The new owner is promising a revamp of the property and wants to work on an even better relationship with the Lakeway community.

Lakeway sales tax receipts were up 13% over the same month last year, our economy is doing pretty good here anyway.

CBC met Thursday in regular session.  Here is that agenda.  All items were granted as far as I can tell.  The house on Malabar that was found to be 19 inches above the average of the houses on each side was instructed to lower the roof. 

From Steve Jones:

Andra Dearing reports the City is ready to begin landscape improvements at the entry monuments at both Lohmans and Lakeway Blvd. at 620.  The contractor will begin the improvements at he Lohmans on Tuesday and anticipates completion on Wednesday.  The inside lane will be closed from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM for safety so there will be a little added congestion.

Lakeway MUD met Tuesday and authorized their staff to develop a lease agreement allowing the City and it's partners to use about 1/2 acre of MUD property on Stewart Rd near Debba drive for the household hazardous waste facility.  This location would have much better access than the original location on Serene Hills Dr.  Hopefully an agreement can be worked out!

Chief Radford reports they have one open position available with 5 qualified applicants.

Police are planning a training scenario at an elementary school with TCSO on August 7th.  This is to maintain readiness in case we have any more issues like the one last December at the Middle and High school on 620.

The Lakeway Visitors Commission will hold it's first meeting August 13th.  Training will be most of the agenda at this meeting.

That's all for now - more soon!

Joe Bain

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