Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Special Edition

Hi folks!  I will be taking a little vacation from the blog for a few weeks.  That being said, I have a couple of items that may be of interest.

ZAPCO will meet next week in regular session at 9:10 AM in Council Chambers - here is the draft agenda - it could change!

It looks like a busy day  but there is one item I think might be of real interest.

Item 10 is a Special Use Permit application for Lakeway Texaco that would be located at the old Exxon location - it looks like there might finally be movement on this property.  They want to run a full service station with an automatic car wash.

 Also item 16 is approval of a final plat for Lakeway Airpark South. 

There were many questions about the "No Solicitation Ordinance" and the "No Visit List".  In the future there should be no confusion on action if the police or code enforcement are called.  Here is a link to the current ordinance - and a link to sign up!

Thanks for all the support on the blog!  If you wish to sign up for a reminder when I post, just email me at

Joe Bain

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