Friday, October 9, 2020

Weather, City Budget Info, Charter Amendments and Church Construction Updates


This morning was humid and a little warmer than the last few days. My weather says cloudy for most of the day with a slight chance of rain overnight.  Highs in the 90's over the weekend and for the first of the week cooling a little with a few clouds the  rest of the week.  Still Fall in Central Texas!

*****City Budget Information*****

Check out page 30 of the Community Impact.  Interesting numbers, turns out they REDUCED the Police Budget -1.03% and INCREASED the Administration Budget +9.6%.  Let that sink in.  They also removed the Cost of Living raise for the city employees (2%).  Maybe they could have reduced the amount for administration (new positions?) and could have paid the COL raise for employees and increased the Police Budget so they could fill needed positions, etc.  Building and Development Services was increased +2.15%.

The increase in Property Tax was +2.5% (+- $155,500).  So the city got a raise after all.  There were small decreases in Sales Tax -0.75% 

(+- $32,700) and ROW fees -0.1% (+- $1000).

Learn the facts and get involved.  

*****Charter Amendments*****

Early voting starts Next Tuesday, here's a link to all the dates and time information

The Former Mayor's PAC would like for everyone to investigate and make an informed decision on the Charter Amendments.  Here is a link to what we feel are the most egregious departures from the path of good governance.

Just one more thought.  Proposition D deletes the requirement for the City Manager to live in Lakeway.  I'm not sure changing the long standing Charter because of the current City Manager selection is the right thing to do.  What do you think?  

Remember, if one amendment passes, the Charter cannot be changed for two years per state law.  That's why we are asking you to vote against all the amendments.  Please make an informed decision!  Our future depends on it.  Would you rather get information from keyboard warriors or those that have served the community.

*****Church Construction Update*****

It's really coming together at the Lakeway Church!  Here's a link to a PANO of the interior - use your mouse on a PC or finger on your phone to look all around.  The exterior is getting close too.  Parking lot is in and they are working on rocking the Bell Tower.

Here's some shots of the interior.

We live in a beautiful community don't we?


That's all for right now.  More as I find out!  I hope you enjoy the blog, it has been my attempt at transparency for well over a decade.  

Thank you for sharing your time with me.  It is appreciated as well as comments and questions.

If you'd like to be on my mailing list (or removed), please send a note to and I'll get it taken care of.  

If you have need for aerial or interior photo's I'd love to talk to you about it!

Thanks again for all the support!  

Joe Bain

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lakeway Citizens,

    Stop being fooled by what you hear from council members. They defunded the police department. They froze multiple positions, killed any chance of them getting raises, and will only let them replace vehicles after the need has been reviewed by a fleet manager they haven't even written a job description for yet. They are consistently trying to find ways to take over the police department and fire the Chief. The latest little gambit from city management is to take away a police officers discretion to write warnings on traffic stops. (By the way, this is a violation of state law).
    Oh and they are trying to change the city charter so they can stay in office longer and violate city election rules.
    Don't forget the salary study that you paid for TWICE because city management didn't like the answer they got the first time about how underpaid the police officers are. So they had the study redone to say what they wanted it to. To bad I have a copy of the original they "forgot" to publish. Let me know if you want a copy to read for yourself.

    Wake up folks, it's all happening right under your noses. I have no doubt the city will deny everything I have said to cover their own butts.
