Monday, October 12, 2020



Unfortunately, it appears Lakeway is changing, and not in many ways for the better.  That I am writing this post brings that statement to light.

Lakeway used to be a place where people could discuss political differences and still be friends.  If there were differences, we were still neighbors.  In the last few years this has begun to change.  

Previously, if errors in political signs had errors with legal nomenclature, friends would tell friends and it would be corrected.  In the last couple of elections, complaints were filed with the State Ethics Commission by candidates instead of working together.

Today, it appears it is thought to be ok to steal or destroy political signs because they are for an opposing candidate.  This has happened with many signs already in this contentious election.

I have friends that are afraid to put out political signs because they fear their homes will be vandalized.  Really?  Winning at any cost is a concerning issue.  This is not Lakeway.

Please respect your neighbors and their opinions. Maybe start a dialog and learn why they feel the way they do.  Please tell your kids it is not good behavior to destroy others property.

Posting incorrect or outright fiction on Social Media is another example of disrespect for others.  Apparently we have those living in our city that make up their own facts to make a fake point.  

Most people moved here because they loved the city and what it represented.  It was formed and lead by those that worked and  volunteered to make it the great place it is.

Can we please back up a little and remember the roots of the community and try to move forward in that tradition?

Thanks for sharing your time with me.  If you disagree with me, send me a note and start a dialog.  If you agree, share with your friends.

Thanks again for reading my blog.  If you would like to be added (or removed) from my email list, send a note to and I'll get it done!

Thanks again!

Joe Bain


  1. I was wondering why all of the Trump signs were torn down on Sunfish. I'm afraid to put a sign up.

  2. That's exactly the issue. I've only heard of Trump signs missing, so I wonder who is responsible?

  3. I don't have a sign out, but a security light was broken (smashed) over our garage, and it certainly made us uneasy. I do wear a Trump tee shirt on my morning walks ...Anyone who knows me knows I'm a 'Trumpster'
