Friday, August 14, 2020

Weather???, Weekend BLM Protest is Off, City Information and More!

Weather ???? 

Pretty easy this week!  A little balmy, high supposed to be 108 (ugh) and maybe a little chance of rain later in the weekend.  Sounds like Summer in Lakeway.  As always, my weather station is online - here's a link!

Weekend BLM Protest

BLM (Black Lives Matters) protest that was planned at the police station has been cancelled.  A motorcycle club known as the WTFrs, Wind Therapy Freedom Riders will stop at the PD for a couple of minutes - just a through stop.  

The Police thank all of the folks in Lakeway for their support.  They are asking folks stand down, they appreciate the efforts to support them!

This has been corroborated with several sources.  Unfortunately the city is too busy to put out official info.  Sort of like the Police Report.

City Information

As you may have noticed, I have not posted a blog for a couple of weeks.  The direction our city is going deeply frustrates me.  Maybe I'm just not "Woke" enough.  Loved our city as it was.

The city finally complied with my ORR's (Open Record Requests) last week.  In the first of a series I will be writing about what I found out.  

The first bit of information is the Cherry Knoll Settlement.  Here is a link to the entire pdf settlement agreement.  

A little history.  Originally there was an issue where the city needed Right Of Way from Cherry Knoll to do the widening project on Flintrock Road.  Long story short, the city eventually paid the appraised value for the ROW and signed a "no sue" agreement.  Everyone was happy at that time.  Move forward a few years and Cherry Knoll sued the city.  The city chose to fight the suit and filed a counter suit for the breach of contract in District Court.  This went on for years and the Magistrate dismissed the Federal suit twice?.  They appealed to the Supreme Court that sent it back for trial.

The problem is Cherry Knoll wanted a high density zoning for the property along Flintrock Road.

Eventually the suit was settled, about the time Steve Jones was fired.  It gives Cherry Knoll a density of 10 units per acre.  It does restrict it to condominiums. Pretty much what they wanted.  It also says they don't have to do a traffic study for the additional traffic and allows a Hotel on the property.

Good?  Bad?  The problem is how hard it was to get the settlement.  Flintrock residents spoke heavily against the zoning and high density, and the council through that out and settled.  We'll have to see what gets proposed.


Get ready!  Council will meet Monday night to discuss the budget.  It will be interesting if they decide to raise the taxes again this year.  Here is a link to the agenda.  I'll hold comments until after the meeting.  They will also be doing some requested annexations, zonings, and of course some infamous Executive Sessions.  

Church Update

The construction is moving ahead on the Lakeway Church Sanctuary! 
Here's a link to a short video.
Here's a link to a 360° panorama where you can view the interior.

And some pictures!

That's all for today.  I hope all of you are staying safe and cool.  If you want to be added to my email list, send a note to and I'll get you added.

Joe Bain

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