Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Weather, Budget, Median, Open Record Request 2 and More!


It's been interesting to say the least!  Hot and dry, with an unexpected thunderstorm early on August 22 - we received 0.7 inch - what a gift!  First we were going to get rain from a storm in the gulf, two storms at one time, one going East and one West.  We were to get the West one and it fizzled.  New Orleans got the brunt and now they are facing the second, maybe a Cat. 2 or 3.  Prayers for them!


Let's talk a little about our city budget.  I'll throw a little cover on the vote for a "Do Not Exceed" rate that will be an increase in our taxes.  This is pretty normal and after hearings, previous administrations lowered that rate.  My concern is it does not appear many of council will want to lower the rate.  

Previous administrations lowered the tax rate to make up for the increase in property values, that has not happened in this administration.  They have kept the same tax rate, effectively raising your taxes for the past couple of years.  If they go to the approved "Do Not Exceed" rate, they can raise up to $500,000 (3.5%) and your taxes will go up even though your property value did not increase.

What do they want?  Four new positions, a Planner, a Grant Writer, Emergency Coordinator and Health Department person.  Adding positions is expensive.  You have to pay salary, benefits and they never go away - you are in it for the long run.  It isn't like we are growing by leaps and bounds.

And the money?  The Lakeway MUD has been trying to buy some property from the city - several Executive Sessions on this.  That would infuse an amount somewhere north of $400,000 - about the tax increase amount.  They haven't mentioned that. Are they figuring that in the budgeted tax increase? 

One car for the police.  There was a plan to rotate cars every year so there was no large expenditure on police cars.  Evidently that is no longer the case.  One car last year and one planned for this year. 

Looks like the biggest increase is in "Administration".  I have no idea what that includes but I expect there have been big increases in legal fees and also costs of "consultants". 

Maybe since we are in uncharted waters with the pandemic and things might get better or worse, the city needs to stop spending and live within their budget.  Lakeway has always been a conservative community, willing to spend what was needed but wanting to run a lean ship.  I believe we need to continue with that goal.


You might have noticed they went ahead with construction of a median through the city on RR 620.  Good idea, bad timing.  This was initially envisioned to be done before the widening project on 620.  That project has been put off for 3-5 years to use the appropriated money on IH 35 through Austin.

620 Looking North from Lohmans

The problem is, there is no place to make a u-turn.  That was all planned in the new construction.  I hope they put markings and signs in soon.

My advice is to plan your trips.  Try to enter 620 from either Lohmans or Lakeway Blvd. depending on which business you need to access.

*****Open Record Request 2*****

As promised, here is the second installment of information from an Open Record Request.  Here is a link to the Purchase Order for the construction of crossing lights on Lohmans.

This project cost the city about $38,000 of your tax money.  Actually, that's a really good price - my question is why did the city do it.  Why not the school district?  

I want our school children to be safe!  I'm just not sure the city should pay for this out of city tax dollars.  I think it should come from the school taxes we all pay.  Will there no longer be a crossing guard?  

***** Church Construction*****

They are moving forward with the Lakeway Church construction.  It's really starting to take shape - hopefully we will be able to attend inside the Sanctuary when it is complete!

  That's all for today.  As always questions are welcome!  If you would like to be added to my email list, send a note to lakeway@bain.us and I'll get you added.

Stay safe and I hope to see you around Lakeway.

Joe Bain


  1. Thanks for keeping us up to date. In future would it be possible to list the City Council members and their votes on particular issues? Gracias!

    1. I try to when it's an important vote. The only NO vote on the tax increase was Steve Smith.
