Tuesday, July 21, 2020

2 Council Meetings, Police Inquisition, Budget Info and More!

It's been a couple of weeks and there's a reason.  The July 6th  council meeting was such a disaster that I've decided to wait a while to let it settle.  

As far as the weather, as you all know, it has been HOT and DRY.  Maybe some chance of rain this week, we could really use it.

*****Council July 6, 2020*****

I'm going to take this a little out of order because I want to be sure folks read the big issues.
  • Item 10 was an overview of the Police Presentation by Chief Radford.  The presentation was a good representation of the current status of the department - that would have been fine except at the end Mayor Pro Tem Higginbotham decided to start an inquisition.  Her is a link to the video, skip to about 3:12 - the Chief's presentation is previous to that if you want to view it.

    Ms. Higginbotham continued questioning for quite some time, then the rest of council was given an opportunity - most of them had positive comments.  Then the mayor requested a continuation of the questioning and it went on for several more minutes.

    In my opinion, this was an outrage.  Maybe Ms. Higginbotham needs some schooling.  My other issue is none of the Council made any effort to stop this, that is a real shame.
  1. The Lakeway Police Department continues to be a leader and is far ahead of the curve as far as Texas Police Departments and even the National Departments are concerned.
  2. Lakeway was the first in Texas to utilize body cameras and was a leader in implementing car dash cams.
  3. Chief Radford is and continues to be a leader in police procedures.  He is highly rated by others and teaches classes to other forces to help bring them up to the standards we enjoy.  He instructs on use of force, leadership, team building and much more.
  4. There is NO racial component in our Police Force.  They have processes that keep our officers trained and helps them maintain a high level of expertise.
  5. 3 Time Best Practices Certification from Texas Police Chief Association.

    Maybe instead of trying to politicize her position, she should attempt to learn and appreciate the GREAT Police Force we as Lakeway citizens enjoy.  Instead of "Protesting", support the officers that risk their lives to keep us safe!
  • Item 7 was a start of discussion of the 2021 Budget.  All these months we are told that financially in great shape.  Apparently there are questions about that.  More about this - the next council meeting was more informative.

    An interesting question from the Mayor on why the decreased income from tickets and fines.  Since the change from "Code Enforcement" to "Code Compliance" fines have dropped significantly.  There have been NO Code cases before the courts in over a year.  Go figure.  Traffic fines and collections are down also.  They got rid of the Marshall that was collecting fines and the police force has been down 7 officers for a while.  And of course, a year ago they lowered the fees for many permits - they recently had to go up because the fees weren't covering costs as required.

    And in case you didn't know, the amount of money from speeding tickets is minimal at best.  The city only gets 14% of that fine, the rest goes to the state.
  • And of course, if you haven't noticed, there is an increase in the "compliance" items that made Lakeway the diamond of the area.  You know, garbage cans, boats in driveways, junk cars and signs, etc.
  • Item 9 was a resolution to create a "Health Unit".  After hearing of the revenue shortfalls, the council? wants to create yet another pit to pour money into.  What's even more interesting is the reason is because they can't get enough information about the pandemic from the county.  These are the same people that won't produce information to the citizens of Lakeway.
  • And of course, Item 6 was to re-discuss the Charter Amendment items that Council (Not Charter Review Committee) wants to put on the Special Election ballot.  Yup, council overruled all major items put forward by the Charter Review Committee.
Then of course there are the infamous Executive Sessions.  Only two tonight!  Project Granite and Drainage Issues.  

*****Council July 20, 2020*****

I'll hit the high spots:

10)  They accepted the Police Foundation Donation for an ongoing Wellness program (another forward thinking program of the police department).

11)  The 2021 Budget was discussed, this time more on the expense side  Sales tax for May was up 7% over May last year, online sales are up 94% over last year, grocery sales up 14% and liquor sales up 48%.  About a $154K shortfall over last year.  Realize, franchise fees from communications, and electricity are still strong.  Their problem is Travis County Property Tax Values are flat.  The appraisal district did not increase the values over last year.  Not to worry, there is excess money in the "Fund Balance".  This is the fund maintained in case of emergency.  They have increased the "target" to 30-35% of the annual budget - like a safety fund.  Since they did not lower the tax rate last year, that fund increased to nearly 40%.  If the shortfall is covered from this fund, it would still be at about 37%.  

Of course they are still wanting to fund more positions - Emergency Coordinator, Grant Writer, Planner and more.  

No one spoke - I wonder why?  Maybe because the council gets the presentation packet but that is not published on the web.  Since you have to sign up by 3 p.m. on the meeting day - if you don't have what is being presented it really doesn't make since to sign up.

12)  Calling the "Special Election".  This got interesting.  The Charter Review recommended leaving the election in May - like other local elections so it would not be politicized in the November cycle.  Council insisted putting it to a vote.  Turns out after many attorney hours and council hours it appears the attorney missed a small issue.  State law does not allow the changing of the date unless the legislature opens a window for that change.  The last window was 2016?  So, the elections will stay in May!

They did vote to put going back to 2 years (not recommended).

They also voted to put the authorization of "CO's" on the ballot.  This is a big one too.  A CO - Certificate of Obligation, is like a bond except the council can authorize it.  So, instead of going out for a bond where everyone votes on it, council can encumber the city by a council vote.  Do you trust council and the mayor to borrow 20-30 million dollars for say a YMCA or special project without a bond election?  Me neither..... State law allows it, and the Charter can't "not allow" it.  We were very disturbed about this possibility - the Charter Review recommended restricting it to a 3/4 Super Majority of council, i.e. require 6 of 7 affirmative votes.  Council changed that to a 2/3 majority - 5 of 7 votes.  Why?  Maybe they plan to use it.

And just one last thought.  Why call the election in November?  It will cost the city $45,000 dollars.  They could do it in May with the other election and save that money.  Do you think it might have to do with several council members could not run for re-election?  Is the change back to 2 year terms that same issue?  What do you think?

I'm sorry for the negativity, it is what it is.  I'm frustrated and concerned with the way out little piece of heaven is going.  I hope to have better news on the next blog.

I have been taking pictures of the Church construction, here are a few from last week.

I also put together a short video of the status last week, check it out and enjoy the video.  Here's the link!

That's all for today - I hope you and yours are safe and healthy.  I'm happy to answer questions - lakeway@bain.us .  

If you want to be added to my email list, send a note to lakeway@bain.us and I'll get it done.

Joe Bain


  1. Mayor Pro Tem Higginbotham asked the right questions, even if late in the evening. The chief answered why the community would not have a repeat of the tragic "Floyd" situation.

    1. If the mayor Pro Tem had listened to the presentation that the Chief gave and had any historical knowledge of the way Lakeway Police operate, a questioning of this sort would not have been necessary. This is not Austin, Seattle or Portland and I personally have no use for this type of interrogation - it is totally political.
