Friday, January 10, 2020

Special Weather Alert, Wildlife Advisory Committee and More!

*****Special Weather Alert*****

In case you haven't seen the reports, the weather service is forecasting severe storms and winds this evening (Friday) with possible large hail.  Get your cars inside and protect plants and other items that might be damaged.

Who knows if it will happen, but better safe than sorry!  plan an inside evening if you can!

*****Wildlife Advisory Committee*****

I attended the Wildlife Advisory Committee (WAC) Thursday evening.  Here is there agenda.

This was the most dysfunctional meeting I have attended.  

Nick Kolbe, Wildlife Biologist, gave his report on the 2019 Deer Census and Biologist Summary.
4)  Approve Report on the 2019 Census (Survey)

I don't necessarily don't agree with the numbers Mr. Kolbe produced because of the route and his only surveying "unsuitable habitat".  Note the red is "unsuitable" and ALL of the survey route is in the red.  No survey is attempted in the "suitable habitat" area.  Do you think the count may be on the low side?

1. Communication or cooperation which facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations.

During the discussion, the liaison (see above) badgered and intimidated the committee and Mr. Kolbe until the committee succumbed and approved the report without the numbers provided by the biologist that were obtained by the process approved by the Texas Parks and Wildlife and general wildlife procedures.

This is unacceptable and is becoming commonplace.  The liaison position is a communication portal.  That liaison is not a committee member and is not there to direct the committee to any conclusion.  This liaison (Mr. Mastrangelo) more or less said the council would not accept the numbers as represented in the Survey and should be removed.  That is not his place, nor is it the place of the committee to modify a document provided by a PAID (your and my tax dollars) consultant.  If they don't like the results, that is their right but the report should stand on its merits.

The Report was approved after removal of the numbers that basically nullifies the report.

5)  TTT Status - The first part of the TTT permit has been completed.  To further this process 15 deer would have to be harvested and tested for Chronic Wasting Disease.  Ranches have been identified by TP&W to receive any deer trapped and transported.

6)  Cost of Programs - Somewhere in here they determined that there was not time to do the testing and get trapping done because the city was too late getting their act together.  The trappers are all booked and will come but at an increased price.  The committee voted to delay the program for another year.

7)  There was discussion on a final report and continued confusion on prices and timing.  they will start earlier in 2020 to be ready for possible trapping in 2021.

Meeting was over about 10 p.m. 


That's all for right now, short post.  If you want to be added to my email list, send a note to and I'll get you added!

Joe Bain

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