Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Weather, Special Council Meeting

Mid Week Update - 

It's HOT and doesn't look like that will change in the short term!  Hottest day of the year yesterday, 102.7 at the Live Oak 15 Weather Station.  Welcome to Summer in Lakeway!  

Council met in Special Session Monday - here is that agendaHere is a link to the video.

They rearranged the agenda, 1st was item 4.

4)  Presentation was made by Huitt-Zollars on a transportation study for internal traffic in Lakeway.  If you go to the link above the proposed contract is included.  Here are the current candidate projects to be studied:

Serene Hills from Flintrock to Lakeway BLVD (Travis County)
Flintrock from dead-end to Bee Creek (or Extension of Flintrock to       Bee Creek Road) (Travis County)
Main Street between 620 & Lohman’s
Lohmans Spur from Lohmans to Main Street
Medical Drive from Birrell to Lohmans
Clubhouse to Clara Van connection
Clara Van to Meadowlark connection
Farris Drive from Gebron to Meadowlark
O’Reilly & Pyramid between the two schools                                            (Partially Travis County)
North to South running Shared Use Path
Additional sidewalk gaps within the City

Current cost of the project is $127,950 plus traffic counts NTE $25,000 - NTE (Not to exceed) limit of $152,950.

Mayor Cox wants to get this done for possible bond inclusion in the next May election.  There is already a need for a $5M bond for RR 620 improvements.

Passed unanimously.

3)  Received a Compensation Study report - basically this looks at the city employees compensation in comparison to other area cities our size.  There was significant discussion about different departments.  The most changes talked about were in the Police Dept.

5)  Another report was given by Huitt-Zollars on their Facility Needs Assessment.  This included improvements to the old Police / Court Facility, City Hall Expansion and some other projects around the city.

6)  Another committee was formed - Facility Steering Committee.

7)  At this point the Budget Work Session started with an update from Andra Bennett on the questions about Activity Center fees and cost recovery.  Still a lot of questions there.

Budget conversations went on quite a while, I have requested the one page tax sheet.  Travis County has not produced "Certified" tax collection results, but has updated their numbers from last session.  The current "Rollback Rate" is $0.1684 and the "effective tax rate" is $0.1582.  The current property valuations are about $5B with about a $145M increase from last year.

Meeting ended about 10:30 p.m.

That's all for now, I'll update as info comes out.  

Joe Bain

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