Can you believe it? School starts on August 14th so get ready. School buses and MORE traffic. The real trick to safer travel in the area is to be more courteous, put your phone down and obey the laws. I was Westbound on 71 a few days ago, driving about 30-35 in traffic when a pickup going 50-55 passed me on the right shoulder and jerked if front of cars a couple ahead of me. Weaved in and out of traffic - I pulled up next to the truck at the next light - so much for the taking of risks and hurrying. Turned onto Serene Hills...
CBC met in regular session Thursday morning. Here was the agenda.
4) A variance was granted for fencing at 1003 Crestone Stream Dr.
5) Variance was denied for a front facing garage at 106 Bella Colinas Dr. with the caveat that they would consider 45° angle.
Dock and Tram |
Cove View |
7) Home height was approved at 105 Nakoma - view blocking was not an issue.
8-15) All approved without issue.
For all those folks trimming and cutting brush, the city will let you drop off a truck load Saturday (tomorrow) between 8-12 in the morning. Here's a link to more info.
Movies in the Park is featuring The Lego Movie 2 - Part 2. Here's more info. Starts at 8:45 p.m.
City Council will have a Budget Work Session on Monday at 6:00 p.m. Here is the agenda. The view reports that council is looking at a tax increase - hopefully not. In my experience, in the past they have squeezed the budget to get to the "Effective Tax Rate". They actually have an increase in the tax money they will receive because of new homes and businesses and sales tax increased revenue. I don't think they actually have the final number from the county yet, I've asked for the spreadsheet they use but haven't received it yet. Maybe we should show up and let them know we don't want higher taxes. Or maybe we do?
The Comprehensive Plan Survey results have been released - here is a link. Looks like a trolley is off the table. Water quality was top (and the city does take that seriously along with the MUD and the LCRA). Community Safety was 2ond. Efficient spending even made the top ten - take a look, see how you "feel".
Here's the latest from the Activity Center - still lots going on there!
All you realtors, photo's like these will help you sell your listings! Get them before the lake goes down.
Thanks for reading the blog! It is appreciated and I enjoy the comments and questions. If you want to be added to my email list send a note to and I'll get you added.
Joe Bain
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