Good Day! I'm a little late on this post, but here we go. As far as weather, who would believe we would have snow twice this winter? What about 3 or 4 times? Get ready! Forecasts are for snow, sleet or freezing rain Monday evening and again Thursday! 28 degrees this morning on my weather station - it's cold out there! Weather Underground has been having some technical issues for the past couple of weeks - they say it's fixed now but the webcam pictures aren't updating. Seems like the most of the weather items are working properly.
Don't forget the 4 p's. People, Pets, Plants and Pipes. It's a lot easier to do preventive care than fixing the issues after there's a problem! Keep your pets inside or somewhere warm.
This Saturday the Lakeway Church has a program on Sexual Trafficking of children. Here is a link to info, sign up and learn about issues that are closer to us than you might think!
The Governor's office awarded a grant to Lakeway PD for new vests for our officers - a total of $17,468. This will provide rifle round protection for our officers - I hope we never need to use them!
Council will meet in regular and a special session on Tuesday evening. Here is the special session agenda - here is the regular session agenda.
The Special Session is reviewing the Charter Review recommendations and possibly approving submission to the voters in the May election.
The regular session agenda will have lots of info.
Item 4 - City Manager Steve Jones will give an update on the Police Facility Project. As you might have noticed, the construction fence has gone up at the property and work is starting.
Item 5 - It's time to do an update to our Comprehensive Plan - City Manager Steve Jones will update the public (and council) on the process and what is planned. We funded this in this year's budget. Here is a link to the current plan - I expect there will be a committee appointed, a consultant hired and a lot of citizen input.
Item 6 - Short Term Rental Permit at 219 Corinthian. This permit renewal was turned down by ZAPCO because of the multiple complaints.
Item 7 - A resolution will be discussed to provide support for TxDOT's design and construction plans for improvements to 620. You might remember, while I was on CAMPO we got this project started, they are asking for support on a request for funding that Lakeway is co-sponsoring. They are asking for local contributions of $5M from both Lakeway and Bee Cave. The total cost of the project, 620 from Hwy. 71 to past Debba is estimated at $100M.
Item 8-9 - Council will be asked to pass an ordinance for the elections in May.
Item 10 is a resolution to move the time that ZAPCO meets back to 9:10 a.m. on the first Wednesday. It was moved to 6:30 in the evening with the hopes of greater public participation. That has not happened, in fact there has been significantly less.
As always, the full packet for the meetings is available on the city website.
I expect the appraisal that I requested on the Stratus Property to be in soon. I will have another discussion about that and the MUD property when it comes in - expect that next month.
I have heard that some folks want to zone both the Stratus property and the MUD property unilaterally to parkland. This is not possible with current Texas law. The Stratus property is already zoned as part of an existing "PUD". Zoning the MUD property without a request from the owner would be considered a "Taking" under Texas law. The city would be liable to both the current owner and the buyer that has the land under contract.
There was an issue with the light on 620 at Dave Drive - it was not going to a green arrow, only flashing yellow. It has been corrected - I checked it out last week.
Be careful this week, it looks like the roads could be dangerous if the weather forecast is correct. The city will have known problem areas sanded but slow down and stay home if you can.
That's all for now, if you would like to be added to my email list send a note to and I'll get you added (or removed). Thanks again for all the wonderful support!
Joe Bain
Weather Station
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