Friday, September 23, 2016

Tax Rate, Council, Police Report and More!

Monday was the final Public Hearing on the budget and adoption of the Tax Rate for the City.  No one present spoke on either item and it both were adopted without any fanfare.  We have a balanced budget (unlike the Federal Government) and actually lowered the tax rate below the effective tax rate to $0.1612 per $100 evaluation.  City Staff has done a GREAT job of keeping expenses low last year!

Here is the agenda for the Council Meeting - we also approved a Special Use Permit (SUP) for a Childcare Facility at 2105 RR 620 South, Ste. 201, a SUP for a Medical Practice at 1313 RR 620 South, Ste. 203, approved a priliminary plan for 6.0 acres at the northeast corner of RR 620 and Debba Dr. (this will include a convenience store and possible offices) and changed zoning from R-1 to R-6 at 15700 Stewart Road to match the surrounding area.

Several annexations and zoning requests were approved in the Highlands along with some final plats.  

No citizens spoke at citizens participation.

Council then went into Executive Session with our attorney and were briefed on the lawsuit filed by the owners of the Cherry Knoll subdivision off Flintrock Road.  

Looks like the contractor has been working on the Hamilton Greenbelt parking lot, should be finished soon.  The contractor is also making progress on the installation of the traffic signal at Lohmans Spur and Lohmans Crossing road - we expect it to be functional in October.

It looks like Texas Gas Service and the city coalition have reached an agreement in the recent rate filing - we should have more information on this at the next Council meeting.

Weather permitting, out temporary building for BDS will be delivered tomorrow morning.

From the Chief:
LPD Officers conducted 215 traffic stops, responded to 14 alarm calls, investigated 18 suspicious circumstance calls, responded to 12 vehicle crashes and handled 151 other types of calls for service for a total of 410.

Routine traffic stops resulted in the following charges; Out of Jurisdiction Warrant X 1, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia X 3, and 
Driving while Intoxicated X 1.

Animal Protection is investigating an animal cruelty case at a residence on Explorer drive. The incident originated when LPD discovered a large dog wandering the neighborhood near the Explorer area. The condition and health of the dog was a concern for our Animal Protection Officer Greig who is working the case. Search and arrest warrants were executed on Friday morning resulting in the arrest of a person, and the several puppies seized. This case remains under investigation.  

Officers assisted EMS with a call by administering a mental health evaluation   No emergency commitment was done in this case; subject was voluntarily transported for further treatment. 

Officers were dispatched to a RR 620 south business regarding a theft call. Upon arrival officers learned items were stolen from the business and a subject had fled with the items. The subject was last seen entering a passenger vehicle and leaving southbound on RR 620. Officers located a vehicle matching the description a short time later. After an investigation, a theft charge was filed via court summons and the property was recovered.  A second suspect is under investigation by CID.
Today the police station building committee interviewed the top two architectural firms - both are very qualified and I expect a decision will be made on selection and presented to Council at the next meeting.  At that point we will have them working on compiling enough information so we can present it to the citizens and work up cost estimates - we plan to bring it to voters in May in a bond election - more on this very soon!

Thanks for all the support - if you would like to be added to my email list send a note to and I'll get you added.

Joe Bain

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