Friday, January 22, 2016

MDA Bail Results, City News, Police Report and Much More!

Another week comes to an end, another cold front and another windy day - I know all the allergy sufferers are hating the Cedar but hold on, its almost over!

I want to take a minute to thank all the folks that have contributed to my MDA Lakeway Lockup Bail fundraiser.  So far I have raised $1630 toward my $2000 bail - the generosity in the community has been overwhelming.  If you missed it on the last email, here is a link to the site.  Please consider making a donation, it is a GREAT cause and anything helps.  I need $370 to reach my goal - if just 37 of my readers would donate $10 each we could make this a GREAT success.  Thank you again for all your support!

Today (Friday) Travis County Parks were planning a prescribed burn at Pace Bend Park - if you see smoke in that direction it is under control.  Here is a link to the news release.  With the windy conditions this has been postponed to sometime next week.

The Blood Center of Central Texas had another successful drive last Saturday - they collected 73 units of blood!  Thanks for your participation in this important function - it helps all of us!

You might have heard of the storage unit burglary on January 3, 2016.  The police are looking for suspects and here is a video from the security cameras - if you know these suspects or have any information please call LPD Sgt. Jason Brown at 512-314-7594.

Council met in regular session Tuesday evening - here is that agenda.  I went over most of the items last week, here are the results.
5.  We heard from TxDot about the 620 expansion plans and passed a resolution asking them to fund the engineering and environmental plans.  I expect that will take about 2 years and in the mean time they will be doing an additional lane from Lohmans to Bee Creek Parkway on the South Bound side along with intersection improvements in that whole corridor.
6. We established and appointed members to a Justice Center Advisory Committee - they will start work in February.
7.  We had a short presentation from the Central Texas Water Coalition and passed an interlocal agreement to help with their funding for 2016.
8.  We passed the agreement to continue studying the possibility of a Performing Arts Center to determine if we want to engage in this type of facility.
9.  Council gave a thumbs up to a possible development for a large lot subdivision that includes 130 acres South of Flintrock Road.
10, 11, 12, 13 were all approved.
14.  Contract was let for the Hamilton Greenbelt and Canyonlands improvement projects.
No hand held device signs should be going up on 620 - there have been issues with approval from TxDot.  

Steve Jones made a presentation at the Lake Travis Chamber Economic luncheon on Thursday.  It was well received and he did a great job of explaining what is going on and how we are addressing the challenges - thanks Steve!

Don't forget the Open House at Lakeway Regional Medical Center on January 30th.  Here is a link to more info.  I will be there with Police Chief Todd Radford (the BEST Candidate for Sheriff) and Gerald Daugherty ( the BEST Candidate for County Commissioner).  There will be health screenings and tours of the facility - get to know your local hospital!

I met with the CEO of LRMC today, Philippe Bochaton and learned of his plans for the hospital - they are now Stroke Certified, a great thing for the Lakeway area, they expect to be Level 4 Trauma certified in March - possibly Level 2 Trauma Certified in the future, and want to get their Comprehensive Stroke Certification late this year.  Lots of good things going on over there.

I attended a CAMPO retreat on Wednesday - there were presentations from TxDot, environmental and CAMPO staff on matters that matter to the regional community.  We are on tract to get some relief but it will take a while.

We have been notified by TxDOT that full operation of the light at Clara Van will start next Tuesday - hopefully this will enhance safety at this intersection.

From the Chief:
This week LPD officers conducted traffic stops that resulted in three DWI arrests. On another stop which yielded a DWI arrest in which the arrestee made an outcry of a sexual assault that had occurred at a local hotel, this investigation is ongoing. 

Officers responded to a disturbance on RR 620 that culminated in the emergency mental health committal of one of the parties involved. 

Investigators are working a Harassment case at a local medical facility, a subject reported being harassed by an ex-employee, and warrants of arrest have been issued in this case. 

Investigators filed charges in a sexual assault case that occurred at a Seawind address, this was an ongoing investigation. 

Sgt. Brown presided as a judge for the 2016 West Cypress Hills Elementary School Science Fair and reviewed nearly 112 science fair projects. 

APD Officers contacted CIU personnel after they recovered a stolen Ford F250 in South Austin. The vehicle was previously reported stolen from Austin Boats & Motors in Lakeway. The vehicle was found to be occupied by two subjects who were detained. One subject was charged by APD for Unauthorized Used of Motor Vehicle. 

Detectives met with members of the Travis County DA’s office to discuss a plan for prosecution/grand jury presentation regarding the previously reported sexual assault that occurred on Champion Drive. 

Detectives interviewed a person who was suspected of stealing money from her employer (Subway) over the course of a year. The suspect provided a partial confession to the offense which assisted Detectives with obtaining a warrant (Felony Theft, $5,000.00 bond) for her arrest. 

Detectives with the CIU obtained an arrest warrant (Felony Stalking, $5,000.00 bond) for a suspect who was accused of sending harassing and threatening emails and other communications to staff members of the Lakeway Regional Medical Center. The suspect remains at large. 

APO Andrea Greig was invited as a guest speaker at the local Rotary Club luncheon, where she provided information about Animal Protection Operations to the audience. 
The Court reported the City Marshall cleared 23 warrants this week.  Today there was a morning docket with Judge Madison presiding with 39 defendants and a trial by judge for a stop sign violation.  Sounds like a busy day.

Have a GREAT weekend and enjoy the Texas winter.  More as I find out!

If you would like to be added to my email list just email me at

Joe Bain

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