Friday, January 15, 2016

Busy Week, Council, Police, and Help Me Stay Out of MDA Jail!

Wasn't today wonderful!  Today is the reason many of us live in Austin, Texas, 70 degrees on the 15th of January, amazing!

It's been a busy week! It seems like everyone hit the ground running in the new year.  Lets start with the upcoming Council Meeting which will be Tuesday instead of the usual Monday because of the MLK Holiday on Monday.  Here's a link to the agenda and the Council packet

Items of note:

Item 3: - The Financial Report will be done by Dave DeOme, our new Treasurer.

Item 5:  - We will have a presentation by TxDot on the results of the RM 620 Study and their plan for improvements.  I expect we will pass a resolution requesting TxDot to continue with Environmental and Engineering with funds they have allocated for this purpose.  This process will take 1 to 2 years and hopefully will produce a "shovel ready" project.

Item 6: - Council will hopefully establish a Justice Center Advisory Committee and will appoint members.  this Committee will study needs and requirements and make recommendations to Council in the next few months.

Item 7: - Central Texas Water Coalition will make a presentation to Council and an interlocal agreement will be considered.

Item 8: - Council will consider a professional services agreement with Janis A. Barlow and Associates to complete a Business and Architectural and location Feasibility Study for a Performing Arts Center - this is the next logical step in determining if this is a good fit for Lakeway.

Item 9: - We will listen to a presentation on a possible large lot (13+ acre lots) development South of Flintrock.

Item 10: - Council will again consider a Final Plat in the Highlands.

Items 11-13 : Special Use Permits 

Item 14: - consider awarding a contract for the Hamilton Greenbelt / Canyonlands Projects.  - The bids came in over budget on these projects - we will talk about funding options.

It's going to be a long meeting!

I attended the CAMPO meeting Monday evening.  I am working with other Board members to assure funding that will improve our traffic congestion on 620.  

Thursday I attended the "Medical Day" with the Lake Travis Chamber Leadership Lake Travis Class.  It was a good day and we all learned much about different medical entities in the area.  The highlight for me was Starflight on the helipad at LRMC.

And finally, today I met with two developers on two totally different projects coming to the area - it's been a BIG week.
Abstract expressionism to color Lakeway City Hall Art Gallery - New Art going up Jan. 21 by artist Carl Smith.  Come and enjoy some of the local artist's work!  Here's a link to more info.

We have implemented and posted the new Short Term Rental Ordinance and are setting up processes to enforce the new regulations.

High 5 opened for business on January 11th.  New venue - check it out and see whats going on in the Oaks!

From the Chief:
Traffic stops resulted in a driver arrested for possession of cocaine and hash oil, both felonies. Another stop yielded an arrest of the driver for felony drug warrants and also found to be in possession of Xanax and marijuana. 

A Lakeway officer located and stopped a vehicle occupied by suspects in a robbery that occurred in Travis County. The suspects were turned over to TCSO without incident. 

Officers responded to a report of a drone being flown in the vicinity of the air park. The drone was not located. 

Officers took a report of check forgery. A check for $1400 that was mailed to the victim was apparently taken out of the victim’s mailbox or somewhere in transit, forged, and cashed. 

Officers took two reports of identity theft in which the victims identifying information had been used to open credit accounts without their consent. 

Several storage units located on RR 620 were burglarized. The burglars cut several locks to gain access to the units. Video surveillance shows two suspects driving a pickup truck. The case is under investigation. 

A stainless steel grill valued at $1680 was stolen from a home under construction on Borgo Allegro Cove. No suspects have been identified. 

The deer trapping team trapped a live buck deer that had been shot with an arrow.  Animal Protection Officer also received information that a deer was found deceased near City Park. The deer was found with an arrow in its body. APO personnel are investigating, but have no other leads at this time. 

The window of a Mercedes was smashed and a $3800 handbag was stolen out of the back seat. This occurred in the Starbucks in the middle of the day and was observed by a witness. The suspect fled in a red Chevy pickup. It is possible that the victim was followed from the store where she purchased the handbag to Lakeway. This case is still under investigation. 

Dustin D’Amalfi, a new patrol officer, started work this week. He is currently in orientation and will begin field training next week. 

Detectives with the CIU were informed by the Austin Police Department of a possible sexual assault that occurred at Champion Martial Arts Academy in the 1600 block of RR620. According to their detectives, they were investigating a sexual assault that occurred in their jurisdiction and learned that the victim was assaulted at this location. Their personnel were able to obtain a confession from the suspect regarding incidents that occurred in both jurisdictions. LPD CIU personnel interviewed the victim and verified the information. CIU personnel obtained a warrant (Sexual Assault of a Child, 2nd Degree Felony, $100,000.00 bond) for the suspect, who was already in custody. 

Detectives with the CIU were advised that a suspect in a prior theft had been arrested in Bexar County for a warrant that our agency issued. Detectives drove to Bexar County Jail, took the suspect into custody, and transported him to the Travis County Jail. 

Detectives with the CIU prepared and released an information request (BOLO) regarding the thefts that occurred at Austin Boats and Motors. One vehicle (U-Haul style truck) was recovered in Eastern Travis County by the Travis County Sheriff’s Office and was processed for evidence by LPD CIU personnel. 

Detectives with the CIU responded to a burglary that occurred in the 1200 block of RR620 North (E-Z Storage). Two suspects entered the property on 1/3/16 by cutting a locked fence and then broke into several storage units. CIU personnel are planning to release a segment of the video surveillance footage to the media for public assistance in identifying the suspects. 
I need your help!  It turns out I'm in trouble and will be locked up on 2-4-2016 in MDA's JAIL!  I'm going "behind bars" to help defeat life threatening muscle disease.  Please help me raise my bail by making a tax-deductible donation!  Please help and make sure I'm not kept in MDA's jail - I don't think they have wifi there and who's going to do the blog?  Seriously, consider using this link and making a donation!  I certainly will appreciate it!

That's all for now - send me a note if you would like to be on my email list send a note to .

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